Sunday, 23 August 2009

Cutting more than flowers

What the Cairns Post published on 22nd August....

What was sent in from the letter writer...
  • In light of what appeared to be a correction (pg 3, 20.08.09), although it wasn't headed as such, to Wednesday's "Council Blows $55k on Doco", it may be of interest to some readers to know that our current Mayor reduced her predecessors Heliconia order by half, thereby reducing the cost.

    The responsibility of Cairns' only newspaper is to report fact, isn't it?

    Julie McEnerny
    Edge Hill 4870

The Letters' editor has neatly excised Julie's criticism of the newspaper.

Earlier in the week, Fran Clayton or Woree wrote to the Post criticising the paper for raising the trivial issue in an earlier story...

  • Val Schier has been in office for more a year and yet the petty nitpicking continues.

    I’d be happy to read about the big issues but how many people really believe that if another mayor was in her job, they would reduce rates or run the council for less?
    To read the petty article about mayoral flowers at $ 55 a week is just chicken feed.

    The Federal Government has allocated $ 672 million for Aboriginal housing and 16 months later only the bureaucrats are seeing any of it.
    Give us the real issues to complain about and we should be, loudly, and allow the mayor to have a bunch of heliconias in her office where she would greet all sorts of dignitaries and needs a splash of colour and a taste of the tropics.
    To pay $ 55 for weekly flowers, it’s a cinch.

Maybe the Post should compare what the former Mayor Kevin Byrne spent in vast weekly quantities in his office. And it wasn't flowers.


Matt Heirink said...

What about the other story in Saturday's paper about the "Feng Shui" expert who was given photos of Todd Carney, Val Shier and Tom Hedley, and, according to the Post, "was not told who they were and did no research on her topics".

With what seems like an amazing psyhic ability, she immediately picked Carney as a footballer, Hedley as an entrepreneur, and Shier as a leader. And while disgraced sportsman Carney, and disgraced developer Hedley were applauded for being clever, poor old Val got the thumbs down for being a bad communicator.

This item plumbs new depths in this paper's continuing campaign to denigrate our Mayor.

nocturnal congress said...

We're being set up for someone, as I keep on saying. The Cairns Post is corrupting the political processes so that WHOEVER puts their hand up as Mayor next time will shit it in. I hope to Christ about 40 people decide to run for the Mayor's position just to foil their plot.

KitchenSlut said...

Julie is also one of our exceptional local artists and has a fantastic nostalgic Cairns streetscape on consignment down at Crackerbox Palace on Sheridan St which deserves a buyer!