Monday, 2 March 2009

A letter from Kevin

I, along with a billion others, got this personal email from Kevin Rudd MP PM ...
  • "Queenslanders have an important choice on March 21...

    Dear Queenslander,

    I'm writing to ask for your support for Anna Bligh - because I think she's right for Queensland. Anna and I have worked closely together over many years and she shares my passion for Queensland.

    I know she has the determination and experience required to steer Queensland through difficult economic times and support Queensland jobs.
    In this time of crisis, Queenslanders need a government that is prepared to commit to building jobs for the future.

    Anna Bligh has demonstrated that commitment.

    Like Anna says, we Queenslanders aren't afraid of hard work.

    We need a government to match - one that is prepared to work hard, take tough decisions and build our economy for the future - and for our kids' future.

    With Anna Bligh's $17 billion building program, Queensland will build a strong future.

    If you have not already, take a look at her website
    to learn more about Anna Bligh's plans to keep Queensland strong.

    I'm proud to support Anna Bligh as a great Premier of a great state.
    Kevin Rudd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anna has plans to keep Queensland strong. My goodness what has she been doing for the past 10 years.. Killing the patient that's what. She has a history of mismanagement and wonton destruction. In her haste to try and make amends she is "thinking" of preserving the Regeant Theatre. What hipocracy. We all know about her $6 million "New Cairns Yacht Club" lie. Anyone who supports her is as naive as Kevin Rudd. You should have kept out of Queensland politics Kevin because its not the same at Federal.