Monday 3 March 2008

Letter to the Editor

After seeing another letter in today's Cairns Post from Factman Terry James, which has to win the award for the most boring letter of the campaign, I wonder how desperate this mob really are.

After a number of letters in the Post of recent weeks from residents about not being able to afford or get the time to go to these slap up mayoral debates (gosh, even Selwyn Johnston hasn't been invited!!), I wrote a letter to the Post last week... and they didn't run it... so here tis!

Sent: Wednesday, 27 February 2008 6:34 AM
To: ''
Subject: Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor
RE: Mayoral debate, M Quick (27th Feb 2008) suggests that the event should have been televised and replayed later for those that couldn't make it due to work commitments and entry cost. I filmed the entire debate and it is available to view on my Enjoy - sans Beef Fillet.
Michael Moore
(address supplied)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sustainability? And when was the last time we heard a councillor declare their private interest in a development up for approval by a developer they accepted a campaign donation from? Never happens. Yet it is required by section 246A of the Qld Local Govt Act.

"private interest includes both pecuniary and non-pecuniary
interests, and may include having received a donation to be
used for electoral purposes."