Thursday, 6 March 2008

Hedley in trading halt

Hedley Leisure & Gaming is now in a trading halt until monday pending an announcement.

See Michael West's Another day, another casualty in today's Sydney Morning Herald.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The coverage on this by the Cairns Post today was appalling. They quoted from Michael Ryan at ABN Amro MOrgans in Cairns being very supportive of HLG.

Ryan is a very arrogant individual (oh dear dont try and compete with this bastard at the bar at The Tanks) and his opinion ..... unquestioned by the Post was totally self serving .... hey Michael, capitalisation rates are through the roof mate or isn't that what you want your clients in Cairns to hear?

ABN Amro Morgans in town must have pulled huge fees on Hedleys float.

It will survive ..... the question is 'did you buy what you thought they were selling'?