Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Valour for Val

Val Schier has had a tough few months.

Not only has she been putting a team together over the last 10 months to contest the Cairns Council elections for the second time in four year, Val's mother passed away in mid-November.

Her mother's passing has involved numerous trips all the way to her Tasmainian home, at the same time she has been attempting to pull together her team and keep the issues that are dear to her heart, alive in the local media.

I know the toll it takes when you loose a loved one and the emotional cost of grieving.

It's been a tough few months.

Nevertheless, Val is gearing up and ready to oust her opponent Kevin Byrne and the now reforming Unity Team, from the Council benches in two months time.

This is the second time Val Schier has mounted a campaign and a team to run for Council. In 2004 she polled nearly half the vote across the city, as a relatively unknown. Here's CairnsBlog stats on the last election.

Val has just arrived back in Cairns over the weekend after spending another three weeks in Tasmania, helping her family with the enormous task of sorting out the property where her mother lived.

"There's lots of wonderful memories but a big emotional wrench for me to drive away from the family home that I have lived in, laughed in and loved all my life," Val said.

She states on her Cairns 1st website that it's now time for "full-on planning, meeting people and campaigning for the next 9 weeks and 5 days til the March 15th local government election."

Cairns 1st has confirmed candidates Kirsten Lesina (Division 4); Richie Bates (Division 5); Mark Buttrose (Division 6); Diane Forsyth (Division 7); and Paul Matthews (Division 8).

It is expected that Cairns 1st will soon announce candidates in Divisions 2, 9 and 10, however will not contest a candidate against Robert Pyne in Division 3. Nor are they expected to run against sitting Councillor Paul Gregory in Division 1.

Val said that her team has been getting positive feedback and that residents around Cairns want a change.

"They want fresh faces, new leadership and more real engagement with the community."

"We promise to give that to all residents and I look forward to meeting numerous people over the next weeks and listening to and talking about the issues that concern us," said Val Schier.

If you'd like to get involved, you can telephone Val Schier on 4055 0353, or mobile 0407 100 886. You can also email Val.


Anonymous said...

Oh no, not Val !!! "I had diverse and challenging work experiences ... before joining the state public service where I held senior managerial positions."

Just what Cairns doesn't need.
Another state public servant, beholden to whatever Brisbane decides.
And as for Robert Pyne, well he knows the voters of Forest Gardens wont vote Labor.
So what does he do ?
He becomes an independent, ha bloody ha.
And will Paul and Mark give up their lucrative earning jobs to be "full time" councillors?
Well, we are still waiting for them to answer.
And what will Mike Berwick's role be, if ... heaven forbid, Cairns 1st get over the line?

Anonymous said...

Kevin Byrne was a federal government public servant before he became a mayor!!! And now he's still living off the public purse except that it's the ratepayers of Cairns that are paying his considerable expense account. Give it a break, Val's had more jobs outside the public service than your mate Kev.

Anonymous said...

Factman, One Criteria for being a Councillor, irrespective of their work experience, or what side of the political fence they sit, would be those whom we respect, have confidence in, and even if we differ in views, know that at least we would get a straight and honest answer. We have none of those at present.

Anonymous said...

For Factman,
Everytime, a decision is being made at a Council meeting, one or more Crs have to leave the room. Don't tell us that current councillors don't have a conflict of interest and that new Councillors have to leave their day jobs. Some Councillors cannot even file 7 years worth of tax returns!
You are such an arrogant pissant!

Anonymous said...



My dear lord, Paul, mate, I'll give you some free advice. If you're looking to take a job that requires some amount of respect... DONT LOOK LIKE A HIPPY!!!

Maybe I'm wrong - Maybe this was a dress-up party, and everyone else forgot to bring their costumes!?

Is that Robert Pyne's Daughter next to him? Oh.. it's not.

Anonymous said...

Hey factman, I live in forest gardens and I vote labor. If you want to call youself 'factman' you better make sure those so called facts are right.
You presume to know everything but obviously dont have much of a clue.
The arrogance of you to make a comment like that!
If i was planning on going for big Kev youd have just lost this vote.
Print your name if your game big man.....nah you dont have the b@lls do you mate. You just hide behind an obviously wrong alias and snipe at people willing to have a go and take the barbs in public.
As for Robert, he's never once been too busy to stop and say hello and listen to an idea from either me or my wife.
As Vals team arent going to run against Rob he has my vote for sure now. Might have got it anyway. Good luck to you Rob.

Anonymous said...

I've met Rob and he's a nice bloke, just a tad politically misguided.
But, why did he leave the Cairns 1st party?
And why are they not putting a candidate up against him?

Think about it Justin ... think about it.

Anonymous said...

If i really cared mate i'd ask him and knowing Rob i'd get an honest answer.
I dont care.... so i wont ask.

I like the man and im sure he has his reasons that i may or may not agree with, but frankly what you think is misguided and what i think are obviously poles apart.

I do love a good conspiracy theory tho.... I've got some great ones on 9-11 for you if you've got time.

Anonymous said...

Geez .... Mike .... Mate .... half of the bipartisan city dwellers who hate KB have looked at your arselicking sycophancy for the uncredentialled party hack Richie Bates and decided to RUN FOR THE HILLS!!

Scarey stuff ... is there anyone real to vote for out there or should we all just be informal?

P.S. Exactly why is Richie so prominent in Yorkeys when he lives and stands in the city?