Friday, 18 January 2008

Save Our SBS

I blogged back in August last year, about the campaign to stop advertising on SBS. This was in the lead-up to the 2007 federal election.

I signed the petition at to support SBS so that it is properly publicly funded without the need to rely on advertising.

The No Ads on SBS petition, is about to close and will soon it will be presented to the new Minister, Senator Stephen Conroy.

Please click on the direct petition link and sign the petition. The full wording of the petition is available here. You can also email friends about the petition here.

To support this cause, our public multicultural broadcaster may once again be able to fulfil its Charter responsibilities with high quality, multicultural and ethnic programming.

The petition calls for the Minister to immediately require that:-

  1. The SBS Board cease disrupting all programs for advertisements;
  2. Amend the SBS Act to prohibit advertising and sponsorship on SBS;
  3. Fund SBS so it is not dependent on commercial revenue nor supplementation from advertising; and,
  4. Introduce a new system of appointments to the SBS Board that will result in Board members being appointed on the basis of merit with a strong commitment to multiculturalism and SBS independence, and, that the Board is independent from the government of the day and commercial influence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Mike. I just signed the petition and will be forwarding the website round to a few more people. Many thanks.