Sunday, 27 January 2008

Australia Day at Yorkeys


Anonymous said...

Nice shot of Kev ... I think he's losing weight!

Anonymous said...

Nice shot of Val et al. They need to do a lot more than just show up at community bar-b-ques however, if they are fair dinkum about winning council seats.

Anonymous said...

Who's the fat lady getting stuck into the cake?

Anonymous said...

Jesus, when skinny Jim Turnour stands too close to tubby Margaret Cochrane, they look a lot like bat and ball together.

Anonymous said...

kev's on the new villa romano diet. it's called, "no more free meals until after the election"

Anonymous said...

It was a tough day out there. The VC (Val's Comrades)seemed to be everywhere. I wore pink to try and blend in and I think it worked, although I had a close call with the blogger, and he was packing digital as usual. Where the hell was my backup when i needed it? My team was missing in action again. Wish I'd treated Margaret better, maybe she wouldn't have deserted...(good job on cake though)