Sunday 5 April 2009

Roger reads CairnsBlog

Roger Dickson at the Cairns Post was reading CairnsBlog this week and spotted my story about the proposed new North Queensland Party.

Today's Weekend Post, the clever name for the Cairns Post that comes out on the weekend, takes the lead from my story about Darren Howie, whom I interviewed last week.

Nice to see where they get their political news tips from. 

Now, I just wonder when they're going to get a real Council reporter on the job, one like Barfly used to have.


Tony Hillier said...

For the record, "Lighthouse", Barfly's 'Council Watch' "reporter" actually comprised two community-minded female volunteers, who took it upon themselves to attend and report assiduously on virtually every council meeting, without fear or favour, for the best part of five years.

With its resources, the Cairns Post can surely afford to appoint a designated council reporter, preferably a senior journalist of high repute and experience. We're talking about fundamental grass roots local journalism, after all.

The Post's coverage of council affairs in recent years has been sketchy and ambiguous, at best — biased at worst. It seems to have been personality and minutiae-driven rather than geared to produce serious reports and analysis. If the Cairns Post wants to be taken seriously, this anomaly should be addressed as a matter of urgency by the new editor.

Incidentally, on feedback received, 'Council Watch' was far and away the most valuable and well-read column in my long tenure as Barfly's editor.

Dehomag Karden said...

Or maybe Dickson just got the same press release Cairns Blog got. Only, he took longer to regurgitate it.

Michael P Moore said...

Well, Dehomag Karden, there was no press release.

I simply chatted with Darren Howie and got the low down.

Paul said...

I'm Darren's sometime keyboard player. This should all be interesting. Nice one Darren, I can see you on Dancing with the Stars already.