Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Councillor Forsyth found guilty, reply granted

Cairns Regional Council's Finance and Administration committee, this morning found Councillor Diane Forsyth had committed a minor breach of Council's Code of Conduct.

Deputy Mayor Margaret Cochrane moved that no further action be taken, and that the breach simply be noted. Forsyth will not be suspended from any Council meetings, but asked to present a written response to the next full Council meeting.

Councillors Leu, Pyne and Lesina voted against the resolution.

There was much confusion about what Code of Conduct was being used as the basis of the two reports. Now clear answer was given however the CEO said that after seeking legal advice, the reports findings would not be any different. Councillor Leu told the meeting the Council had a different Code and called the CEO's report a sham.

A full analysis, with details of the second report commissioned by Council CEO Noel Briggs, will be published later today on CairnsBlog.


Unknown said...

can you also publish his outline that you referred to as well.

Michael P Moore said...

Certainly Unda. Can you also use your name in future, if possible?

In the meantime, have a read of Janine's Aitken's review of today's sham Council meeting here

Bookoopoo said...

I think that's a bit of a crock about the breach of the CoC.

I've only just started reading this blog recently and enjoy the views it brings against other well known hard and soft copy media companies.

I did see on the local tv news when Di Forsyth held a sign up on the roof. But I'm a little ignorant of the local politicians and politics until recent. To me at the time, she was some unknown female who held up a sign saying that she represented 11000 people. I don't recall them mentioning any names, but then again I sometimes don't take note of who's who.

I'm wondering how many other Cairns Locals saw and thought that as well? I say good on her for standing up for her beliefs.

Unknown said...

sorry, no can do. bit afraid of the employment consequences. You know what the Tories are like re dissent.

Sue E said...

The Local Government Act does not define/limit the time when a councillor is on duty. The code of conduct applies to councillors only in the performance of their duties – when he or she is engaged in business or activities relating to council business.
The sit in protest was in relation to a State Government decision - a failure of the state government to acknowledge or recognise a community petition of 11 000 or so signatures asking for the Cairns Yacht Club to be saved. I don't remember ethical principle breaches being investigated when a certain Mayor not on council business dressed himself up as Arafat and caused a commotion.
If the council wants to go down the road of Ethical principles and consider that Di Forsyth was at the time engaged in council business I would suggest that Di Forsyth acted in the public interest an admirable quality in a councillor and one which promotes trust and confidence.

Arthur Festerbestertester said...

hear hear. Michael, I think you should ask Sue E to provide a commentary on the whole issue of the investigations when you can provide us with all the facts.It seems very smelly to me, and Mother Goose has a lot of questions to answer, some of which have appeared on your blog and will no doubt be added to in the next few days. good work, for a non-journalist.

Unknown said...

I have just read Ms Aitken's item and found it very much to the point. Who is col mcdowell and who is far north investigations. a company search might be in order.

Jude Johnston said...

I had a look at ASIC (one of my favourite sites) and Far North Investigations only appears to have a QLD BN which may be their Security licence. They are not listed as a Pty Ltd and no ABN it would appear. We assume that ASIC recordes are up to date. One wonders what the Council are doing commissioning a report from a Company? without apparently an ABN. I hope that the council when paying this bill, deducted the appropriate tax if they did not supply an ABN.
Arthur FBT, Sue E has a vast knowledge of legilsation and if she posts something as a fact, then you can be assured that she has meticulously researched the matter.

Jan from Kewarra said...

What a circus and sham our Council continue to be!! Is anyone with any intelligence at the helm? I doubt it?

Firstly, we have a million dollars being given to a defunct basketball team. Seondly, the imposing of a breach of conduct on another Councillor, when the likes of Bonneau, are allowed to vote to enforce it.

That is simply pathetic!

No doubt our rates were used to pay for this dodgy investigation - more money wasted!

On one hand we have Di Forsyth standing up for what she believes in and has the support of at least 11,000 other Cairns residents including myself, vs a Northern Beaches councillor who apart from developers, would probably have 11,000 very angry, frustrated residents who have been lied to, ignored, discriminated against, you name it and we have suffered it under his Councillorship. It sounds like those down at Bluewater have had enough as well.

When is a real charge of misconduct going to be laid on genuine grounds of misrepresentation and continuous conflicts of interests against a Councillor who continually puts the interests of developers before the interests of residents?

Noj Nedlaw said...


Far North Investigations do have an ABN. Like your ASIC website, I spend a lot of time at the Australian Business Registry. Search there and you will get the ABN information.

Arthur Festerbestertester said...

well, can someone tell us who the principals and shareholders are?

Joe Gordonvale said...

Yes Jan of Kewwarra,I like many others agree with your comments.
However what can be done to rectify
this unfortunate situation.
We have a group of councillors,
Blake,Gregory,Cockrane,Bonneau,etc.etc.together with the CEO who are actually running this council.Val does not have the experience to handle this group of troublemakers.
Are there any legal eagles out there who could prepare a plan to put in place a vote of no confidence in this council,and request the State Government to take over the operation of this council.Something has to be done as soon as possible.

Quickie said...

Good GOD !!!
Comments like Gordonvale Joe's make us all wish KB was back in charge.
Does he want the CRC to go the same dysfunctional way that both the Douglas and Johnston Shires did?
Strong leadership from the CEO and the General Managers is required to help Mayor Val through these troubled times.
Otherwise a SOS to KB to come back and sort out these law breaking Councilors and their sympathisers may be required.
Please note that Mayor Val, as well as the majority councillors voted that Councillor Forsyth had indeed committed a single minor breach
of the Code of Conduct.
Briggs has been vindicated !!!

Noj Nedlaw said...

Arthur F, et al

The trading name “Far North Investigations”, ABN 53053193945, is owned by an Australian Propriety Company limited by shares by the name of WINDSOR MANOR PTY LTD.A Dun and Bradstreet search of the ASIC details shows that Windsor Manor was first registered in 1991. It has four issued $1 shares, 2 held by an ANTHONY DENNIS WALSH and 2 held by JULIE ANNE WALSH. It seems that these two bought the shares (and the company) in 1994.

I assume that this is the ‘Tony Walsh’ who conducted the review. The extract from ASIC also reveals that they live in Kuranda/Speewah which would tie in with the 26 kilometre figure on page 5 of the posted extract.

A peek at the previous directors and shareholders does not suggest any links with any locals.

There is other information but really it’s not pertinent to the issue. I stress that anyone can obtain an ASIC extract, so I do not think that there are any privacy considerations in providing the above information.

Arthur Festerbestertester said...

another tablelands company. what a coincidence.

Jan from Kewarra said...

Re Quickie's last comments, wanting to see KB back in charge.

Never in a million years KB. As far as I am concerned the rot set in with KB, and Sno, many years ago, before KB, often used to vote against the Mayor and stand up for residents.

Made us all think that KB had something on Sno, the way he became a turncoat overnight it would seem and he remains true to developers to this day.

The Q really is why is Sno behaving this way? Is it because he is really stupid and does not understand the oath that he took as he was sworn in the last time and every time before that OR because he is getting something in return for his services?

Alison Alloway said...

Thank you Mike, and Noj Nedlaw for exposing "Far North Investigations."
This is the agency which does "investigations" for WorkCover as well.

Jan from Kewarra said...

re AFBs comments, that it was "another Tablelands, what a coincidence", are you insinuating that the job of investigations is a "mates" job and that the CEO is involved seeing as he used to be with the Mareeba Council? mmmmmmm I think that situation would be illegal wouldn't it?