Monday, 13 April 2009

FestiVAL in August

The new Festival Cairns, that is having a Mayoral makeover, will run from 21st August to 6th September.
However this year, the programme will be condensed and bring with it a whole new focus, after the primary sponsors and organisers for the last few years, John O'Brien and Pacific Toyota withdrew.
The new organising committee say it's all about who we are - "our culture, our unique, tropical lifestyle, our talents, and our multi-cultural diversity." These are themes that warm the cockles of Val Schier's heart. Most events will be free and will include visual art, music, dance, film, and a number large public events on the Esplanade. This year's theme will aim to tell the unique stories of the region.
Businesses are encouraged to get behind the festival and get behind the sponsorship opportunities. Contact Belinda Griffin on 4044 3593.
This will be our 47th festival.

1 comment:

Raymond Sanderson said...

About time this old festival was revamped and the old school running it were given the boot.

Our family look forward to a more engaging and honest festival...

Best of luck to everyone!