Friday, 13 November 2009

Take the family to the tip this Sunday

Every once in a while, you get a press release that makes you wonder why have professionals paid around $100,000 a year to pump out this spin.

Never-the-less, I will share their latest literary triumph.

Cairns Regional Council are opening the gates to the Portsmith rubbish tip this Sunday for a "family fun day" (not my words), from 9am - 1pm.

They call it a "material recovery facility." There will evidently be displays and the public can get a "glimpse of the how, where, when and what of recycling the region’s daily throw-aways." There'll be some hard-working Council staff on hand to "give information as well as conduct guided tours of the facility ."

The plan is so that they can demonstrate what Council’s commitment is to recycling.

"All are invited to learn about recycling and enjoy a sausage sizzle," says the statement.

You'll find the "family fun day" at, wait for it, Waste Street, Portsmith, where you'll be able to collect copies of the Henry Report, Cairns Post's feature weekend articles, and a collection of little green bags.

1 comment:

Oliver Redlynch said...

That's rather unfair Michael, whilst I admit it may not be my kids preferred choice of exciting Sunday entertainment, I'm sure it'll be a fascinating and educational day which might hopefully change resident's views on what can and can't be recycled and the value to the planet of doing so. Educating the sceptical public is to be applauded. Perhaps Cairns water can next week give us a tour of water treatment plants in Port Douglas so the public can see for themselves the reality rather than the historical fantasy......