Thursday, 5 November 2009

Joel Harrop appointed LNP State Secretary

Liberal National Party candidate for the State seat of Cairns at the last election, Joel Harrop, has been appointed as the LNP Party Secretary for Queensland.

"I'm excited and delighted to be appointed," Joel Harrop told CairnsBlog "It's tremendous, and one that is a good result for Far North Queensland."

However, he acknowledged that there's a lot of hard work ahead, and says he has big shoes to fill in replacing former state secretary Mary Carroll.

"I hold true to the values of honesty, integrity and loyalty," Joel Harrop said at the time of the March State election.

"A great song once stated, 'times, they are changing', we are at the nexus of a new political error for Queensland," Harrop said. "A failed health care system and economic mismanagement are the legacy of a Labor era of inadequacy. The LNP must be the champions of change. We must foster innovative thought and cultivate creative solutions to the challenges we will inherit."

"It’s roll-up-the-sleeves time for Queensland, and I’m ready to get to work."

"We're all very excited by his appointment," LNP State Director, Michael O’Dwyer said this afternoon. "To have someone of his calibre to take this role, is wonderful. Joel brings to the position a broad skill set, experience in personnel management and finance and also an understanding of the party and its membership."

Michael O’Dwyer says he expects Joel to move the party forward to become a lot stronger, and introduce some additional systems to streamline the membership processing and the processes of the party.

"Joel will also absolutely engage with the party membership and the executive, to build a great future for the LNP," said Michael O’Dwyer, who believes Harrop's background speaks volumes.

Joel Harrop holds a Bachelor of Business, is an accredited Derivatives Advisor, and is also a graduate of the Royal Military College Duntroon. His experience in the banking and finance sectors, was key to his appointment in the Party's strategic role as secretary, which is also the chief financial officer.

Michael O’Dwyer says the next State election is going to be fought very hard, as Labor polls very poorly.

"The responsibility of the LNP is to keep the pressure on the government and maintain a strong opposition," O’Dwyer says. "As we get closer to the election, we will lay out a plan to take government. There's a lot of work between now and then."

Whilst acknowledging the internal fractions in the ALP regarding asset sales, O’Dwyer says that 24 hours is a long time in politics.

"We have to maintain a strong opposition and present great plans moving forward. When we lay out those plans, I'm sure the Queensland public will sit up and take notice of us. We hope they will vote for us as a credible alternative government with vision," O’Dwyer says.

Desley Boyle, the sitting Cairns ALP member, took 45.78% of the vote in the March State election, with Harrop and LNP 1,640 votes behind at 39.75%. Steve Brech of the Greens, polled just under 11%.

Joel Harrop met his wife Carolyn in Cairns in 1998, when we were both studying at James Cook University. In the Australian Army, they both have served in the Middle East.

33-year-old Harrop, who has one young child, is relocating to Brisbane to take up the role, which commences on 17th November.

Harrop also confirmed exclusively to CairnsBlog that Fritz the cat will also set up residence in Brisbane, as an ex-officio to the party.
[Lower left photo, courtesy Lance Royce Northern-Truth]


Barry Daniels said...

Bye Joel!

Disco Dave said...

Blah blah blah, ...Bachelor of Business... graduate of the Royal Military College Duntroon... at least the young fella has a 'well rounded' background and appears to be passionate about what he is doing. Best of luck Joelio with your new endeavours, don't let the system (and small minded fools) get you down.

John Robinson said...

Very pleased that Joel Harrop is the new LNP party Secretary. Congratulations. This appointment augurs well for the LNP and for TFNQ

Bryan Outlaw said...

That's a wonderful picture of Joel standing next to one of his attractive corflutes.

When can we expect serial layabout and pest Bryan "Ignorethe" Law to go out and deface it for his own self-aggrandizement?

Doctor Dolittle said...

The picture seems to show you still have wind problem. Don't forget to pack your parachute and all the strings.

KitchenSlut said...

Interesting to see right wing US fruitloop Lance Royce chime in especially after his most recent kill kill kill blog post!

How enbarrassing for Joel to see Lance describe himself as a 'mate' and Lance pretend that he is on the small 'l' liberal side who may be attracted back? Huh? Please explain? Good luck Joel you'll need it with 'mates' like Lance!

P.S. Whats that parrot on Joel's right shoulder in the top photo?