Sunday, 15 November 2009

The Kevin Byrne show "no longer has his involvement"

In August I wrote about the Cairns Forum, a kind of "I lost the election but will not go away" platform for defeated mayor Kevin Byrne.

In an effort to deflect the negative criticism levelled at the former mayor, the organisers of the public meeting tomorrow night, were forced to say he no longer has any involvement.

"The Cairns Forum while previously publicised as a Kevin Byrne show, no longer has his involvement, but does have his support," says Danae Jones of Intouch Media.

"The planning for this event has been happening in the background for some time as many of you may have heard. The steering committee of Cairns Forum are made up of people who are passionate about the success of Cairns and it is an apolitical entity that I am very proud to sit on the committee of," says Danae.

On Monday night, for the princely sum of $20, you too can come along to the Not Kevin Byrne Show. It kicks off at 5:30pm at Shangri La Ballroom. Book tickets by telephone 4080 2900 or email.

Such luminaries as Desley Boyle, Steve Wettenhall, Val Schier , Jason O'Brien, and even Curtis Pitt are expected to make a celebrity appearance. Jim Turnour won't be there as Federal Parliament sits again on Monday. "I expressed my very great disappointment in selecting this date, as they know that Parliament was sitting," Jim told CairnsBlog today.

The Cairns Forum, a recent invention that some say is simply to undermine the current Council dysfunction, is run by Bill Calderwood, the new chair of TTNQ and MD of the Ayre Group; Danae Jones, In Touch In Business; Nick Trompf, GM Cairns Post; Cam Charlton, Kleinhardt Business Consultants and a on the board of Advance Cairns and TTNQ;
Rob Weeden, GM Shangri La; and John McIntyre, CEO of Balkanu. Kevin Byrne sits in the back row, adorning a Ned Kelly mask. What a line up.

They say that their agenda is "pro-Cairns, and nothing else." Then why on earth is the managing director of the Cairns Post involved in this shindig?

"We want outcomes for Cairns and a vision and a 10 point plan for this region to secure some targets and kick some goals that we can all be proud of," Danae Jones, co-ordinator of Monday's meeting says.

"We are working very closely with Advance Cairns, TTNQ and Cairns Chamber of Commerce, and would like to think of ourselves as the group who have their ear to the ground and who aren’t [sic] willing to stand up and speak honestly, openly and transparently about an issue that needs to be raised so it can be solved," Danae says without a breath, in the world's longest sentence.

In addressing the local elected MPs and the Mayor, Danae Jones says that the Cairns Forum aims to work with them.

"We aim to work with you, our city leaders, on solutions for this town that will work today, tomorrow and long into the future," she says. "The town is hurting in a big way and it is time for us all to stand united and fight for the success of Cairns and I am calling on each and every one of you to be at this event if your calendar permits. A united front is the only thing that will pull us all through this."

Jones says that the politicians will be there as "our leaders to listen to some very prominent players in their own industries." These are the speakers at Monday's function...
  • Russell Beer – Chairman, Advance Cairns

  • Udo Jattke – Managing Director, Glencorp

  • Charles Woodward – Managing Director, CAPTA Group

  • Professor Sandra Harding – Vice Chancellor, James Cook University

  • Stuart Trail – Secretary, ETU

  • Richard Ireland – Joint Managing Director, Ireland’s Motor Group

  • Danny Betros – Managing Director, CB Richard Ellis Cairns
They will each speak for five minutes and give a summary of what is going on in the Cairns economy and put their view forward with solutions. There will also be an opportunity for questions from the floor.

"I will ensure that this is not a political slanging match," Danae Jones says. "All speakers have been briefed in this regard." She admits that there will be some level of disgruntled people in the audience which is "understandable and justifiable."

"It will be John MacKenzie who is the evening's MC and moderator, along with Bill Calderwood and my role, to keep them all in check and manage them if needed to control the forum," Danae Jones says.

"This event will be the beginning of a number of them as we will drive this new agenda forward with all of your help and we have full media support on this," Jones says.

However, they have banned media from the meeting, so "everyone is able to speak openly and honestly without fear of being published."

"Media will certainly be briefed of the event prior to and after interviews with speakers," Danae Jones says. "Let’s get this town back on its feet."


CBD Warrior said...

What a collection of self-aggrandizing blowhards we have on this agenda.

Russell Beer - who's run Advance Cairns as a do-nothing organisation for years

Udo Jattke - biggest environmental vandal and developer of some of the most gross and ill-conceived projects in the community (re: Clifton Beach Ghetto). Soon to be bankrupt

Stu Trail - union thug and socialist

Danny Betros - represents the greedy landlord class, who have consistently refused to renegotiate the now grossly overpriced commercial leases in the city, leaving business owners struggling or closed

Danae Jones - queen of the spin doctors

Steve Wettenhall - worthless sack of labor shit

And the ringmaster? John "Don't touch my Wig" Mackenzie, community agitator and political suck-up

And we're expected to pay money to see this group who've steered the Cairns ship into the rocks, leaving us with 15% unemployement?

You must be kidding.

KitchenSlut said...

What entity does the $20 go to or is that just to cover costs? May just saunter down for the entrertainment value!

How scarey to think that in 2012 we could have Entsch as federal member from the Party of Old Men (plus Bronwyn Bishop)representing a decimated lame duck opposition and KB back as Mayor representing more free vino for Mayor's !?

nocturnal congress said...

Just reading through the spiel by Advance Cairns on their website, wherein they describe the cornerstone of the RECOVERY PLAN as the "development of Cairns Cultural Precinct and World Class Entertainment Centre on the Cairns Waterfront", I wish they would all get off their arses and support Val in selling the idea to the people of FNQ. Val is copping buckets of shit from the rednecked cultural neanderthals on this same project

Mick Mighell said...

Well, Kitchenslut...

did you take a few vinos on board on Sunday arvo yourself?