Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Cairns Police on 40307000 or Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or Crime Stoppers 24hrs a day. Crime Stoppers is a charitable community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.
Melbourne Cup revelers praised, Cairns:
Police have praised the good behaviour of attendees at the various Melbourne Cup functions held throughout the Cairns area yesterday. Police reported that no disturbances were specifically related to the celebrations.
Break and enter, Earlville:
Police are investigating the break and enter of an Ishmael Road residence on Tuesday morning. It is believed that thieves broken into the residence some time between 5 and 7am. A sum of money, a mobile phone and charger were stolen during the incident.
Assault, Bungalow:
Police are investigating an assault that occurred outside a Dalton Street house around 9pm on Tuesday. A 55-year-old man was injured after an altercation with another man after a wheelie bin was knocked over outside his address. It is believed that the victim was hit in the head with a beer bottle, resulting in a cut to his ear. The offender was last seen walking down Dalton Street.
Wilful damage by graffiti, Edge Hill:
Graffiti vandals have targeted an Edge Hill school in a graffiti attack that occurred overnight on Monday. Walls and doors of the administration block and the ceiling of a covered area were damaged by the offenders. Police investigations continue.
Cut and paste press releases from the pleeces. That is the "real news" you promise to bring us?
Getting a bit mainstream aren't you?
Any effort to stop these morons is surely worthwhile isn't it Loose Nuke? Unless of course you are a 'perp'?
These violent, invasive and opportunistic crimes are happening in frighteningly increasing numbers on a daily basis. It is my hope that the more often they are brought to the attention of the general public in any form of media, the more likely the public's anger at the wishy washy punishments dished out by the courts will finally be recognised and something done about it.
Cairns is becoming world famous for being a dangerous city so why would anyone want to holiday here. Acting strongly on these crimes is the first step in bringing back the tourists.
Keep this going, Mike, it may make a difference.
At least mainstream media looks beyond the press releases.
Hendo, and so they should. The Murdoch empire has far greater resources than this blog. It is just a pity they can't use their powers for the benefit of society.
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