Monday 9 November 2009

Entsch pushes for LNP pre-selection this Saturday

As the selection for a candidate draws closer for the LNP party faithful, lobbying is intensifying ahead of Saturday's closed door meeting at the Shangri-La hotel.

Although today's Cairns Post suggests that Warren Entsch will make a decision about his political future today, I can tell you he is definately putting up his hand for the job.

In a letter to all local members, front-runner and former Federal member for Leichhardt, is asking for endorsement.

"I made a difficult decision not to contest the 2007 Federal election to fulfill a promise made to my youngest son many years prior," Warren Entsch said. "This commitment was that I would be there for him during his latter teenage years. I have held to that pledge and he is now an enthusiastic supporter of me once again entering parliament, as is my partner Elle."

Entsch was elected as the Federal member for Leichhardt in 1996, and subsequently appointed as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Science and Resources in 1998. He was then honoured with the Parliamentary Secretary's role for the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources in 2001, which he served until 2006.

Warren Entsch says there's few that would say he was not a vocal and tenacious advocate for the region. Since 2007 he has been active in the community serving in an honorary capacity as chair of the Australian Rainforest Foundation, Director of the Dr Edward Koch Foundation and on the Harald’s House Committee.

However, he says that since since stepping down in 2007, he has become increasingly alarmed and frustrated by the current Labor government and its local elected representatives agendas which are "only to the detriment of the Leichhardt community."
"These include massive debt, record unemployment, and an ongoing loss of industry opportunities," Warren Entsch says. "Leichhardt is facing many challenges with the highest unemployment in Australia, and little wonder with building and construction industries struggling, the loss of our long established local ship building industry, tourist numbers significantly down, tourism businesses and jobs under serious threat."

"The latter have been greatly exacerbated by the inept handling of the recent Jetstar issue with Cairns airport."

"The Cape York communities’ economic future is being traded off through Wild Rivers legislation and the proposed blanket World Heritage listing proposal and our recreational and commercial fishing industries are under serious threat through a proposed closure of the entire Coral Sea region," Entsch says. "This is so Labor can continue their ongoing placation of radical Greens to the detriment of our local community and residents."

Entsch says there are serious issues in the Torres Strait regarding greater autonomy and essential transport infrastructure challenges facing the community north of the Daintree River.


Warren Entsch says that while the Federal Government continues to commit Australians to an ever increasing and unsustainable debt level through its stimulus package, community initiatives that are extremely cost-effective and have provided tremendous benefits to our Far Northern community are being dismantled and de-funded.

"There is no worse example of inept policy making and handling than the recent loss of the FNQ Area Consultative Committee, acknowledged as the best in Australia, which in the last five years has generated some $75 million into our local economy," Entsch says.

"[Funding for] the Cairns Youth Mentoring Scheme was also scrapped without a word of protest from any of the elected Labor representatives and no viable alternative offered," he said.

"The recent de-funding of the Aboriginal and Islander Alcohol Relief Service at Douglas House and Rose Colless Haven will see displaced indigenous people with alcohol related issues back on our streets in larger numbers," he said. "Our Federal Member’s response was to blindly support the decision of the bureaucrats, after rejecting numerous invitations from AIARS to visit the facility and be briefed by the board."

"I have watched with alarm the focus of Leichhardt representation shift from that of the interests of constituents and community, to one of falling in with the party line, as apologists for the bureaucracy with no vision and endless talk fests as their only solution."

Entsch says with all levels of government now politically and factionally aligned inside Labor, the voice of Leichhardt is mute.

"Leichhardt needs to re-establish a strong voice in the community as well as in Canberra. One that is prepared to put the interests of constituents well above party politics. One that will have no hesitation in challenging decisions that are not in the best interests of our broader community, and one that will give confidence to the community that their concerns are being raised and acted upon."

"I believe I have not only the reputation and proven track record to step up to this challenge, but also the enthusiasm, drive, knowledge and interactive skills to again successfully represent Leichhardt."

Former nurse Jen Sackley, who ran as an independent in 2004, will also contest the LNP selection this weekend, along with Richard Gibbons, director of a fire protection company.

Sackley, who is also a consultant with Cairns Investment Properties, says she stays current in matters such as family law, aged care, veterans and senior services, and North Queensland's fishing industry. She's also interested in industrial relations matters and small Business issues.
"Our environment is deeply concerned with what the current Government is forcing upon all stakeholders and their rights throughout the pristine Cape York regions," Jen Sackley says.

Sackley has a history of employment in aged care, counselling and mediation practices and says she's a strong advocate for equal parenting rights.

"I've worked within Queensland Health and education systems and am aware of the many challenges that both current and previous staff have and still face today."


Venting said...

Let's get some perspective please. Entsch was just as much a head nodding Howard yes man as Turnour is a Labor hack today. I certainly don't know of any earth moving speeches in the House from either of them. Leichhardt has been neglected for decades.

Bryan Law said...

Urk! Danger Will Robinson! Intergalactic paradox conundrum emerging! Given a choice between Jim Turnour and Warren Entsch (and ruling out suicide) who does one vote for? Danger Will Robinson!

I guess we can hope that the poisonous bad blood within the LNP, and the fact that Warren Entsch is a spiteful bullying blowhard without substance, might mean they cut him off at the knees and pre-select someone else (perhaps that nice Mr Satan) that I CAN vote for.

Double Urk!

Thaddeus said...

Political tactics and sheer chicanery are at ploy here. Entsch knew the global financial crisis was coming, and how unpopular Howard's "Work Choices" would be, so he threw his good mate, Charlie McKillop to the wolves. Well, now the shit has hit the fan with the GFC, he can come back thundering with self-righteous indignation that everything is all Labor's fault.
His "resignation" was nothing but well worn and proven political tactics, looking after NUMBER ONE. So much for his loyalty to his party.

Al said...

Given the prediction that the Rudd government will be returned for at least another term, who will be better to represent Leichhardt; a recycled Lib yes-man sitting on the opposition back-bench, or an ALP member sitting on the government back-bench?
The swing to Labor in Leichhardt was the biggest in the nation - which Entsch no doubt rationalises was due to his decision not to run.
So take out the ear-ring Wazza and give it your best shot, there's nothing like rejection to bring the ego back to size.

nocturnal congress said...

Whoever said "children are the last refuge of the scoundrel" got it dead right with Entsch.
When the going gets tough, Entsch does a bunk and throws a raw young woman to the wolves. Let's hope the LNP pass him over.

Kim said...

What a telling sign of the depth of talent from the LNP gene pool: "Our environment is deeply concerned with what the current Government is forcing upon all stakeholders and their rights throughout the pristine Cape York regions"

My toaster is also deeply concerned about pristine stakeholders forcing their Cape York's on our rights and regions.

Thaddeus said...

In reality, we can't complain I guess about our choice of political candidates. All political parties in Australia have experienced falling membership in recent years which reduces our choice somewhat. And then again, IMHO, our pollies are of a much higher personal calibre than the criminal scum now sitting in the White House.

KitchenSlut said...

Thaddeus gives far too much credence to Wazzas aptitude for foresight in predicting the GFC. Don't forget that more than a year before the last election Wazza lined himself up a retirement position on the CEC board. CEC was highly geared and totally unprepared for the GFC and subsequently sailed off a cliff. Since Wazza was appointed an independent director in 2006 he has presided over a 90% wipeout in shareholder value. Well done Wazza! Some foresight?

Interesting that with Wazza up for pre-selection this weekend that less than 2 weeks later he will also be up for re-election to the CEC board for a further 2 year period. Perhaps he should clarify for both groups what his intentions are here and whether he intends to maintain both roles if elected?

The claims of unsustainable federal debt is economically ignorant nonsense although only to be expected in political debate. Interesting that the 2009 CEC annual report is full of positive comments on the outlook driven by the stimulus and infrastructure spending from the chairman and Roy Lavis. Is there a contradiction here?

Perhaps given that he will be over 60 (?) if re-elected what kind of timeframe he perceives for his tenure.

Thaddeus said...

Point well taken KitchenSlut. I, myself, had been watching the American economic and political scene very closely so was able to invest my hard earned super funds very wisely at the end of 2007. This doesn't mean, of course, that Entschie noticed anything was on its way. Good point.

Stuey Traill said...

Remember Entschy swanning around the world at taxpayers expense as he prepared for retirement. I still have a few "Wheres Warren signs that we can pull out again and remind the punters that this creep supported Workcoices, refused to debate the issue, threatened community members that stood up to him and deserted his personally endorsed candidate Charlie McKillop when she needed him the most. The LNP surely can do better than recycling damaged goods.

Tom Asquith said...

Entsch on the 7 news tonight was a caricature of his former self. He was never a good look - and never a good member, but as a Howard yes-man, the times coincidently suited him well. He now carries a lot of baggage (CEC for the most part) and there are a lot of local people out there who have been burned by that debacle for which he as a director must be held accountable.
Notwithstanding any of this, Entsch's quest to renominate as a LNP candidate is not about serving the constituents of Leichhardt, its not about serving the LNP, nor the parliament or the country. It's 100% self-interest, it's all about HIM ... he wants another feed at the trough.

warren's joke said...

Seriously Warren Entsch the family man?

Ask his former staff!

Give us all a break!