Monday 23 November 2009

The rise and tragic fall of Cairns community radio - Part 1

Cairns Community radio, 4CCR, broadcasting on 89.1 FM, will turn 25 years in a few months. However, there is little cause for celebration as it hits what should be a truly wonderful milestone.

The late Ian Coughlan, a famous Cairns son, helped found Cairns community radio in the early 1980s. He would probably turn in his grave if his knew what has been going on in the Manunda studio walls over recent months.

Coughlan, who went on to write for television and stage, is credited with ABC Far North's Kier Shorey's foray into radio.

"He was the only person I knew who was viably pulling off a living as a scriptwriter, and to do it from Cairns at a time when the certainties and speed of the digital age didn't exist, Ian certainly pioneered it," Shorey says with admiration.

Of course, many radio names got their start in the industry from local community radio, a breeding ground for those that love the art of live seat-of-the-pants broadcasting. Just talk to the students at Smithfield High that have worked on their very own 101.9 Coast FM.

Local writer and Snake Gully musician, Tony Hillier of Barfly newspaper fame, who has written for the London Evening Standard, remembers the early days at the station. For 10 years 1985, Hillier produced and presented a variety of music programs for Cairns Community Radio. He won a national award for his work in 1991.

"I was the sole Queensland representative on the community radio team, which broadcast live to air from the 1995 Womadelaide festival," Tony Hillier says. "It's certainly had its heyday, and there were many groups in the community taking part in the station, representing the diverse nature of our community" Hillier says. "There was some great shows. That unfortunately seemed to change over the last few years."

Hillier isn't the only one to observe Cairns community radio becoming a "closed shop."

"I remember playing Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side," recalls Cairns historian Tim Bottoms, who also had his own show. "I got dragged into the office and was told in no uncertain terms, that 'we don't play that sort of stuff here'. It was the end of my stint on air, I never went back."

Such interference and micro-management has prevailed at 4CCR over recent years, stifling uniqueness and creatively, the very lifeblood of community radio.

The sad reality, is that very few know Cairns has a community-run and owned radio station. Even fewer, it seems, tune in. Ironically, its signal, repeated from Mt Yarrabah, can be heard from Gordonvale to Ellis Beach, and even on the Atherton Tablelands.

There's no data available that records its audience. Local economist and media research author Bill Cummings, fails to even acknowledge the station in his annual study. CairnsBlog undertook a phone survey during the first three weeks of November, in an effort to determine its reach. It showed that out of 300 residents from Gordonvale to Palm Cove, less than 3% tuned into the station 'on a regular basis.' Only 23 could name the station's name, with 16 who could identify its broadcasting signal. It's sad statistics for what should be a strong brand with support of the community.

4CCR receives in excess of $200,000 annual funding via donations and government grants, to fulfil its charter for ethnic and community broadcasting. It is the non-transparent management of this public money, that has been cause for serious concern over the last two years. It's alleged that some members of the former committee are being investigated for misappropriation, and very likely that charges will be laid.

As an Incorporated Association, Cairns Community Radio is governed by the laws of Incorporated Societies.

On 26th August, just four weeks before the September 28th 2009 annual general meeting, the entire management committee resigned en masse, following pressure from a group of concerned members.

Two days later, the president John Fielder, resigned. Vice president Mark Paine, treasurer Jeannette Fisher, secretary Gillian McKenzie, and the committee comprising Eunice Slatter, Ben Marcus, and Niels Briët, all left without explanation to the membership.

A large number of the disgraced ordinary committee members reside at Arona, a closed and secret commune near Kuranda, that has often been subject to rumour and conjecture. Ben Marcus, who presents a morning show, in recent months via remote connection from Arona, has often been mentioned as a 'person of interest'.

Little is known of Arona or what goes on within the property, but police have had cause for investigations over the years. Many in the community radio fraternity, describe it as a cult with "volatile potential."

"I am aware that some of you are uncertain about the reasons for the sudden change to the previous Management Committee," Rodney Coutts, in his then capacity as interim president wrote the members, prior to the explosive annual meeting in the Raintrees shopping centre forecourt in early September.

"I will be happy to provide an explanation at the AGM," Coutts indicated. However, no explanation followed, and the 80 members at the AGM, were left with more questions than answers, as they saw their treasured organisation crumbling around them.

It was an anxious and confused time for the membership, that sought explanation about what was going on. After questions from the floor, $8,500 in "employee benefit expenses" could not be explained to the annual meeting.

Retired salesman Rodney Coutts, who had nine years voluntary involvement in the station, said the annual general meeting would also address the financial statement, appointment of an auditor, and election of the new management committee.

"Due to the resignations of all previous management committee members, there will be nine vacancies: president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and five ordinary committee positions, to be filled," Coutts said. "I regard the AGM on the 28 September, 2009, as being one of the most significant events held in the recent history of our community radio station."

He was right. They were at a crossroads. It was a turning point and an opportunity for the Association to make a fresh start.

I chatted with Rod Coutts as the AGM adjourned on that September night. He said, in political speak, that the community radio had been like a ship at sea, not moving. It was a speech he'd given before, it seemed.

"There's no wind blowing and it's going nowhere. That was yesterday," Rod Coutts said. "Tomorrow, the ship is going to pull its sails up, the wind's going to blow and we're going to take this radio station into the next couple of years."

An optimistic and newly-elected secretary Donn Corcoran, said that they were off to a good start. He welcomed a new era of openness and transparency, following the tragic events of the preceding month.

"Yes there has been cause for serious concern, although I cannot say much," secretary Donn Corcoran told CairnsBlog on the night of the annual meeting. Off camera, Corcoran was scathing of the former committee that had caused so much angst and distrust within the organisation. It's likely that some of the former committee will be charged.

Following the resignation of the previous committee, Coutts established an interim committee consisted of himself as president, local policeman Greg Dwyer as vice president, semi-retired Donn Corcoran as secretary, Mimielle Alvero as treasurer, and a committee comprising Judi Corcoran, Pieter and Bev Blaauw, Col Johnson, and Diane Jensen.

At the AGM, a new management committee was elected, with the addition of Eylan Rose, Mary Wellington, Judi Corcoran and Helen Jarroe. Bev, Col and Diane stepped aside.

The events that have unfolded since the late September AGM have taken a nasty trajectory, and, in the wake of the last few months, one that the new committee with a reinvigorated energy and passion, never saw coming.

The old committee actively closed ranks and systematically excluded anything that that didn't fit their narrow agenda. However, the last eight weeks have put the future of Cairns Community radio in further peril. Since the AGM, just two months ago, six members of the new management committee, including the secretary, vice president and four others have resigned in disgust and horror, under the mis-management of new president. Rodney Coutts has systematically taken the community out of the station he once loved.

Some have had their membership unilaterally withdrawn by the president because they spoke out about his management and serious concerns they held. Right now Cairns Community Broadcasters Incorporated needs a charismatic, dynamic and positive leader. Rod Coutts is not that person. He needs to go before he takes that station down with him.

As a number of presenters have fled the Coutts' ship he was so determined to re-float, many programmes have ceased broadcast, and switched over to BBC World Service, and Deutsche Welle, a European satellite re-broadcast service.

With their broadcasting licence now in question, in part two of this story, I'll unravel deceit, manipulation, racial accusations, Police intervention, alleged theft, control and corruption, and that's just before lunch. It's a script that even the founder of Cairns Community Radio, Ian Coughlan, could never have dreamt.

Footnote: Here's a brief interview I filmed with Rod Coutts and Donn Corcoran, moments after the AGM adjourned. These words will come back to haunt the now besieged president.


QLDWhitsundays (via Twitter) said...

Great story on CCR. I used to be Comp. Secretary of largest Comm. Station in Sydney and on-air for 20yrs - What a shame.

Col Johnson, presenter 4CCR said...

There are those of us who are not quitters and we are making slow headway in the teeth of strong opposition.

Indeed I have been told more than once (not by listeners) I am on air too much. I am just filling in when holes appear but it is my intention to relinquish those spots when volunteer numbers and skills allow.

I speak of Fryday Fryup and the Wednesday Blues programme. I'm not on air for the latter - I just panel for the presenter. The use of BBC and Deutsche Welle is being phased out.

They have always been used for overnight programming since Arona took over.

We are now switching to the CRN (Community Radio Network) because it is Australian. Presenters who put BBC & DW to air in daylight hours have been counselled on the correct procedures.

Incidentally I don't think the affairs of Arona are relevant

I await with interest episode 2

nocturnal congress said...

I have had some involvement in community based organisations over the years, and find they always disintegrate into opposing camps.
What is happening with this community radio station certainly isn't unique!

Maggie Cudanin said...

Thanks for the information.  It is a very interesting article. I am sure Part 2 will be more interesting and worth waiting for.
We, the members, must be informed of what's really happening.  We need to know all sides of the story because it is crucial for people like us whose intention is to serve the community by sharing our skills, talent and knowledge in broadcasting through 89.1.
Once again, thank you

former presenter said...

Mike, are you aware that 4Corners (ABC) did an exposé about Arona in 1988? The Cairns Post also had articles. They beat the wrap.

Mary H Wellington said...

Yes, very sad and tragic indeed.  As a committee member of the Cairns and Regional Multicultural Association, I informed the old management of the opportunity to open up to the community and forwarded information to Niels and Gillian if the radio station was able to participate at the Tropical Wave Festival in August and according to CARMA president this was a first that the radion station has participated at the festival. I was surprised they agreed to take part which saw new members signed up as I was in the next stall giving out information on sexual health awareness but within a few weeks things started to unfold from hope to a nightmare.  I came from the Ethnic Radio Broadcasting Station (4EB 98.1FM) in Brisbane and it was always a hive of activity where members were made welcome, organised boat and bus trips, annual ball at the same time the station bus and volunteers were at festivals participating in multicultural community events and music festivals etc; but never experience anything like it here and this is my first experience of such a mess that this radio station is going through which is why I had to resign. I feel responsible and sorry for the new memberships who were encouraged at the Tropical Wave Festival and at the Tank Arts Centre giving false hope because I was advocating and saying good things about the radio station and now that has turned into a disappointed.  I am a community worker who encourages community participation through building networks,  fostering and maintaing relationships amongst people of all races, gender, religion, beliefs and various cultural background but not to discourage people.

Michael thank you for using your blog site to bring out the good and not so good issues of the Cairns Community Radio Station 89.1FM and thankyou for sending me this email about the blog site.  Yes, I believe in the spiritual side and know that the first people who had vision and hope for the Cairns Community many years ago by starting the radio station would be looking down in disbelief.


Shane Wilson said...

Hello Mike,
Great truthfull story....I would also like to pass on my extreme dissapointment of the treatment leveled at me, given my professional technicial support of 4CCR over a long period....the hourly rate charged was well below industry standards....I am back with my old beloved 99.5 SEA-FM working with a crew of professional people.
Dare I say it, I will be missed by 4CCR.
I would urge the current membership to get rid of Coutts,and his non elected board, failing that maybe the man has enough spine to resign.
I would also encourage membership to keep a close eye on the 4CCR bank accounts controlled by Coutts.
What a MESS!
I look foward to your Blogs details on the way Coutts has taken 4CCR to level its never been to before.
I have legally requested details of the last 4CCR management meeting and reasons for the termination of my Engineering contract from Coutts, but nothing so far.......

Eylan Rose, Redlynch said...

Hi Mike,

Thank you for part 1 of your blog.. accurate and prophetic. Being one of those deeply involved in the machinations over the past year I look forward to your blog part 2.

After resigning everything including my three early morning broadcasts
I can say that there is life away from the madness that was occurring
at Raintrees....

I do miss presenting my programs nontheless.

K. Kong said...

The Ben Marcus Roadshow has always been a part of the circus of minority interest groups involved in Community Radio in Cairns. I spent 14 years as a volunteer for this station in varying capacities, including being part of the management committee for a long part of that time. I remember the Tim Bottoms saga with an earlier old guard (what would Max Rowley have said Tim?) and I had the pleasure of working with Tony Hillier who was an active volunteer and station manager for a time.

In those days days we tried to embrace community and musical diversity and hopefully reflected that in the programs that were presented; the religious and ethnic programming; specialist music programs; youth programs; programs focusing on local issues; the focus on live and local music right up to the longest running gay and lesbian program in Queensland at the time. Running a community radio station is like trying to herd cats as far as diverse egos and interests are concerned compounded by the need to find a way to pay the bills.

The problem arises when there is community apathy towards such a great local media asset like community radio. It allows self interest groups to gain control of this community mouthpiece and use it for their own purposes. And this is not the first time this has happened.

Fortunately there are quite a few progressive community stations that now stream their programs on the web. This includes Triple T Townsville, just down the road to stations like PBS and RRR in Melbourne. Have a listen to them and find out what good community radio could do for a town like Cairns. We need more active involvement in local media.

Nicky J said...

I've never heard of Arona! Mike do you have any more info on them?

Emily Swan said...

what i dont undrstand is how you can print lies, lies and more LIES without knowing the TRUTH

next time you need to CHECK YOUR FACTS.

p.s Lets see if you are honest enough print this

Dutchie said...

Reading the comments above, I don't have much reason to believe that what Mike wrote are lies. But Emily, if you believe these are not the facts, then why don't you use this opportunity to tell another side of the story?

JH said...

It is brilliant and very well written. It is very satisfying to see some of this stuff finally in print and “out there”.

Michael P Moore said...

Yes NIcky, there's a lot unknown about the infamous Arona. I will detail some of this, the relavant parts to Community Radio, in my next part of this story.

VF said...

I would like to know what on earth the private lives of several families living in a community has to do with the running of 4CCR, except that three of the committee happened to live there.
Just for your information there are more than three people living at Arona. It just shows people do not know what they are talking about.

Let's hope Mike you can print both sides of the story

Debbie F said...

I wish people would get the facts before talking about other people's private lives. It's obvious from some people's comments that they have never been to Arona - as far as I have seen they are normal people living normal lives just as our ancestors did before western society broke down the family unit.
Get your facts straight and people shouldn't listen to gutter type press ramblings.

Tony Hillier said...

The saddest aspect of 4CCR's decline is that Cairns has been without a valuable and viable alternative media outlet when it most needed it.

If the station does not lift its game, there is a real danger that the CBAA (the body that regulates community radio) will be forced to withdraw its licence.

A lot of good people have shed blood, sweat and tears over the years to maintain what is a very valuable resource — and to facilitate full community access while simultaneously striving for excellence in broadcasting. I fear that has been largely absent for some years now.

Perhaps a public meeting can be convened, at which past and present members and other stakeholders can exchange views and maybe find a solution to the present palpably unsatisfactory situation.

KitchenSlut said...

Entirely off thread ....or at least a bit .... but on the thread of public funding for community activity i noted this week some debate on public funding for sport with the federal minister and the AOC squaring off! Which reminds me of a previous sparring contest ...

'Tony Hillier said...
Kitchen Slut thou wilt be eating thy words come this year's Tri Nation series when the Wallabies, led by Matt Giteau and his brilliant young protege James O'Connor, whitewash the All Blacks and annihilate the Afrikaaners.'

Hmmm think that was back in May so how did it go? Any comments on the weekend debacle against the Scots? LOL sorry mate couldn't help it :)

P.S. be careful Tony the combination of rugby and community radio could bring extraordinary allegations from ideologues of many persuasions!

Unknown said...

I think regardless of who is running it the need for a Community based radio station is now largely irrelevant in places particularly like Cairns.

It is interesting to note that according to the good news blurb on the Community Broadcasting website that over 58% of Australians listen to community radio every month see However the bulk of Australian Community Radio listening is in places where it is the only local media outlet delivering local content... Take into account the already oversupply of local radio stations in this town and add Mikes Phone poll (the survey size of 300 is more than enough for any mainstream radio station to be measured)then it clearly shows that the station is largely considered irrelevant to the community as a whole. Now before anyone starts saying oh but if it didn't exist how will new radio talent emerge.. think Hospital Radio .. Hospital Radio has been where many aspiring presenters cut their teeth. Many famous Radio presenters worldwide started this way and at least it cheers up the patients-who are really a captive audience as such! Also consider the savings if its really bad output (i.e. put the 4CCR output on the hospital bed headsets today and then the likes of an 80 year old patient called Ethel might decide they cannot stand it any longer & would be happier at home (imagine the savings from all those freed up beds- now that's what i call a community service@!) As for 4CCR receiving $200,000 pa and getting hardly any listeners, then that's an absolute waste of public money. This cannot be justified just because people want to do something they enjoy but aren't that good at it why should the community at large fund their egos.

Marcus Smith said...

OK time for me to comment and to hell with those get offended. These are my comments and not those of the station Cairns Fm 89.1

wow, this whole site is a waste of time! If this is how people really feel then let me say this. As someone who has just started spending time here I question what have members really done with thier time while at the station? My view is that things had to change.They all should be upset because they are about to be exposed!!!!!!
Hey hold on, didn't I hear that someone was removed from the station by two female police officers?????? WOW someone lost the plot! I wonder who Hmmmmmm?
Never before have I seen a tech. speak to volunteers presenters like what I have witnessed at this station.(who left on his own )
I have had a look at the books here at this station from over the years and let me say,these people who make remarks about the station have a lot to hide!They can sound as smart as they want on this blog but intruth anyone who make a comments here is a hiding something. Like eg: how much did committee members pay themselves??????
Was automation & transmission equipment looked after professinally? Or was the attitude always 'who cares....'
This is the attitude off nearly everyone who comments about a great service CairnsFM 89.1
Bring on Part two off your crap but I will be waiting for you and people will be exposed for what they really are. Shame on those who run this station down.

Unknown said... obviously love the station etc..and I do not know anyone there -so have no axe to grind with any of the personalities.. I was simply stating that it appears to be one big waste of funds.. Now if you have information that should be brought out in the open that is of public interest you have a duty to do say and reveal how much waste has been going on.. By the sounds of it the Committee from your comments were drawing large sums of money for themselves? I think you need to elaborate and state your case. If equipment was not being looked after then that is a lack of care in duty from tech guy if so say so..

This platform whether you like it or not is here for the truth and works best when everyone is honest about who they are and stands up and is counted.. I for one cannot stand how some skulk around and hide behind their true identities in this town.

jeniinae said...

Can anyone tell me more about this "Arona" place.. i'v heard a little about it before.. i'm interested.

Evan said...

Would that be the same tech I wonder Marcus Smith who was doing a similar dummy spit in the late 90's after he and his commercial mates tried to turn 4CCR into a relayed 'country music' station and failed? I think he now works at a commercial station here in Cairns.

KitchenSlut said...

Is this the station that Jim Turnour has previsously been associated as a presenter?

James, Raintrees said...

Yes. Jim and his wife are members

Argie said...

That's interesting, so was former Federal MP Peter Dodd (before his election). Don't think 'Where's Warren' ever was. Hmmmm.... Great ammo for conspiracy theorists - where's Syd?

Former Sales Rep said...

Col Johnson, you are truly are a hero of the people. And so humble too. Bit like the early days of Cairns Community Radio when you showed such compassion eh? said...

Typically, Kitchenslut, you're a bit slurry near the end of the week: "Is this the station that Jim Turnour has previsously been associated as a presenter? Hic..." Did you mean to say: "Is this the station with which Jim Turnour has previously been associated as a presenter?"

Or is Jim Turnour's sister a member?

What's your point, Kitchenslut? Your fragment of insider knowledge is typically diversionary, and takes us nowhere. Unless you are suggesting that Turnour is involved in or even interested in this kerfuffle, you are just showing off and wasting our time. Again.

Anonymous said...

Syd has been abducted, either by aliens or the Mossad...

Tony Hillier said...

Indeed, where is Syd??????? He's been conspicuous by his absence in postings of late!

Joanne P said...

After reading all these negative comments about this community radio station in Cairns you people need to get a life , lets look at the reason behind this station, it's a ethnic community station and their are certain people that had hidden agenda's and you know who you are , go back to where you came from we don't need racism in Cairns............

Michael said...

No Joanne P.You are dead wrong. Check the license provisions. If you can't get it from the station, I'm sure the ABA ( will help you out. 4CCR is a COMMUNITY radio station, not just a station representing selected ethnic groups. Do some homework. Ignorance is as bad as racism.

Miss Chief. said...

Have to agree with Michael, Joanne P.
My husband is a presenter on the Community Radio and the programme he works on is "Radio for the Print Handicapped"...nothing ethnically slanted about that.

Shane Wilson said...

Hello Joanne "P", are you related to Rod Coutts? There is a suggestion that you are his daughter.
The only hidden agenda is what Rod Coutts is up to.
As goes for the comments of Marcus Smith, his history at BBM is well reported, and remembered.

Marcus Smith said...

Your so right Shane, when I left the station Bumma Bippera Media in 2002 they were only a few thousand dollars in debt, I have the records still. Hello, why was somebody brought in o clean up the stations mess. What happen at the BBM agm in 2007, it was declared that they were over $852000 in debt and rising, hence why I left the station back then and went to Townsville and had a great time. So yes I am remembered as the one who tried to stop the funds being missed used way back then and I was Right all along!!!!! That is why I am remebered @ BBM.
Remember that point, my history is well recorded with that station and why I'm not there now.
Here, I have found that the indigeous grant fund were being used to cover operational cost off the station, like paying off a stations phone bill up to $1400, broadcasters here cannot make STD/moblie calls so why was indigenous funds used this way. Internet bills of upto $700, something is not right.
Several techs have come through this station recently and said things could be much better. So is this really my comments or am I stating what has been declared by others....
This station has recieved thousands off dollars for indigeous programing and I do believe that there is nothing here to reflect that. I am sure the other indigenous presenters were kept in the dark all the time about funding.
This is community radio and I think some people need to remember that, help the station or stay out.

Donn Corcoran said...

Interesting comments from Marcus Smith.  It is true that under the Arona-controlled Committee some of the presenters did not get adequate access to Community Broadcasting Foundation Grant Funds. I advised ethnic and indigenous presenters, including Marcus, about this while I was Secretary (August-September 2009) and promised a better deal, including not taking 10 per cent of the grant as an administrative fee  as was the case in the past. With the new President still apparently wanting to be paid as station manager a lot more than 10per cent will be paid to him.  Think hard about that Marcus.
Secondly, Marcus, remember who suggested you join FM 89.1.  Yet  you signed a letter,  alleging that she had made a statement that she did not make, at a meeting you had not even attended, and you did not bother to ask her if the story was true. Where is your conscience in this?
If you knew the full story, you would be much less ready to defend the remaining committee (three of the nine democraticaly elected at the AGM). Do you ever stop to think about why so many have resigned, along with other presenters?

No sympathy said...

Bloody hell! Do you mean to say that members of the executive committee at a community radio station are now being paid? How can the president also be the station manager? And from tax payers money by the sound of it as they don't appear to be getting much local sponsorship.Surely this is a conflict of interest? If this station loses its license because of the corrupt action in recent years from certain individuals I know a lot of people who have put years of work into maintaining community radio in this town over the years will be wanting justice.

Bring on Part Two Michael.

Christina Binning Wilson said...

Christina Wilson

I started as an apprentice with Friday Roadshow then became alternate Monday Roadshow, Thursday Breakfast, rotation Party and Dance, Twilight Rock, Kim Coleman's New Releases, Country, & I stood in to help on Gay FM, wheresover when someone needed time with family. I am stunned reading some of all of this but blogs first, twice to make sure my eyes did not deceive me, then squashing urges to run out door & catch lift, wave down a truck, jump a train to get to Cairns from Adelaide IMMEDIATELY to see how I could help out then attempted to read all comments, then especially selected out names I am familiar with.

I will be remembered & by some forgotten as is our fate. Tony Hillier I would have to this day gripes with you about measures you yourself introduced into 4ccr but NEVER would I ever believe of you anything but that you were a first class thinker of integrity in regard to the meaningful importance of the existence of 4CCR. There was Blues Cruise...what was our Latvian programmer (Edgar!)...& what about the brilliant girl on Country with the voice to die voice was good but I was unbeknowns developing a rare voice disorder (no, I wasn't "on drugs" as I believe was said).

I have phoned to contact 4CCR over the years, to attempt to maintain a relationship including by phoning as people did when I started as an apprentice & then when I graduated to presenting. Experiences teach & I had even gone to radio school inspired by the intrinsic importance of a population having the skills to run a radio didn't work to phone as folks are often busy these days & intimidating which I had never seen was the previous case. I tried to utilise the website but it was of limited use, & I was looking for it now which brought me to this blog. Something has to be surely done to rescue this licence because its reach is excellent & when I did attend AFTRS in Sydney, 1993, 4ccr had an excellent reputation for progressive radio & I believe I know some of the reasons why it was doing well.

I wonder if this will be too long to be published so I can first say hello to, Tony, Col, Denis is around somewhere, Annie Boon I want to know of. This sounds a shocking mess albeit some of this blog is not meaningful regards the radio surely. The withdrawal of funding from community radio has a great deal to do I believe with the beginning of the breakdown of the excellence of 4ccr as I first knew of it, but that is only part of the story & I would like to be involved in some of the continuing discussion because it is about the quality of future radio in Cairns. This is Christina W saying to you good morning. Here's hoping.