The research is based on expert and business surveys to measure the "perceived levels of corruption in the public sectors."
Australia was ranked the eighth least corrupt, out of 180 countries.
"The international community must find efficient ways to help war-torn countries to develop and sustain their own institutions," Huguette Labelle said who is behind the annual survey.
Somalia, the most corrupt country, is impoverished and war-torn and is without a functioning government for 20 years. The ABC reports that African countries accounted for half of those in the bottom 20 of the list, including Angola which is now the continent's top oil exporter after emerging from a 27-year civil war.
Maybe they should do a survey for State Governments in Queensland?

As pure as the driven snow through a coal mine
As an ex Pom and ex Kiwi, I've lived in Cairns for 5+ years. A key part of my admiration for NZ was it's relative absence of corruption. 'Relative' is of course the key word. It's been a considerable disappointment to me that Australia appears to have significantly more corruption than NZ. My own experience has confirmed this: both politicians and business people. And all we read is complaints that something should be done - a review may result; then, usually, nothing. The problem seems to be that gaining power and/or wealth has more influence than good old-fashioned integrity.
Kiwis not corrupt ???
What about Winston Peters ...
What about Taito Phillip Field ...
What about Hone Harawira ...
What about Mary Anne Thompson ...
What about Donna_Awatere_Huata ...
What about Gerard Teoi Otimi ...
What about ... oh forget it.
you're either a pom or a kiwi ya can't be both and ya can't be ex either of 'em. With people like you protesting corruption, it's no fucking wonder the cunts do as they do ... jesus on a pitchfork (sorry, just wanted to sound a little bit American for a bit... I lived there, so I guess, I'm an ex American...)
Instead of the mostly Maori list, Factman could have mentioned the very white EX NZ Auditor General and President of the Accountants Society who went to jail for 2 years for fraud. But as I emphasised, 'relative' is the key word. If you're 'bad' and number one, then all others are worse; the Transparancy International survey is recognised as the best there is at measuring national corruption. How much better to suggest ways to improve the level of corruption than slag off at the messenger and your neighbours occupying the number one slot. Shame.
Peter senior ... my response goes like this ...
Most of those Polynesian names are Samoan - not Maori.
And who is really a Maori?
Very hard to find a full blooded Maori these days.
Most have been tainted by the white man gene - how else do you learn corruption ???
The point of my post was that NZ is just as corrupt as the next place - and more importantly, who cares?
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