Wednesday 4 November 2009

The see food and eat it diet

Cafnec and End Credits Film Club bring you Cairns' screening of The End of the Line - imagine a world without fish.

You may have seen the recent news on the desperate state of the Southern Blue fin Tuna, Australia's largest fishery.

This crisis highlights the need for urgent action in securing a future for our oceans. The Coral Sea Heritage Park proposal will provide a sanctuary for marine wildlife in an ocean where 99% is open to fishing.

This film gives us in North Queensland a global perspective on the need to protect our local marine resources in the face of the potential collapse of many of the world's ocean ecosystems.

The world's first major documentary about the effect of overfishing premiered at 2009 Sundance Film Festival. Imagine an ocean without fish? Imagine your meals without seafood? This is the future for much of the world if we do not stop, think and act.
  • Friday November 6th, 7pm Cairns Civic Theatre.
    Tickets and booking online: Adults $10 (CAFNEC and End Credits Members $8), Children and concession $5.
    There'll be speakers, displays. No seafood served for nibbles.

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