Monday, 9 November 2009

Crime Stoppers update

In partnership with the Cairns District Crime Prevention office, CairnsBlog brings you Crime Stoppers update.

Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Cairns Police on 40307000 or Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or Crime Stoppers 24hrs a day.
Crime Stoppers is a charitable community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.

Single vehicle roll-over, Daintree
Two men traveling in the rear of a utility were trapped and injured when their vehicle rolled on the Daintree Creb Track, approximately 57km from the Daintree Township on Sunday. Due to extremely poor weather and road conditions police and emergency services were unable to reach the area. Members from QAS eventually made it to the scene using private vehicles, and assessed the men as being in a stable condition. Heavy rain and rising creeks prevented the group from leaving and all were forced to stay out overnight. An emergency helicopter retrieved the injured men earlier today. A Mission beach man was flown to the Cairns Base Hospital with a serious laceration to his calf and a Wongaling Beach man was flown to Mossman hospital with neck injuries.

High range drink drivers detected in Port Douglas
Cairns police conducted a number of roadside breath tests in the Port Douglas and Mossman areas on Saturday night. In the space of a few hours, five drivers returned breath alcohol readings in excess of the legal limit. Police allege that the highest readings detected were .198, .196 and .118. All five offenders are due to appear in the Mossman Magistrates Court in a later date.

Man arrested for burnout, Trinity Beach
Police charged a 22 year-old Tolga man with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle after he allegedly did a burnout in front of a trinity Beach restaurant on Saturday night. It is alleged that the burnout caused large amounts of. The man is due to appear at the Cairns Magistrates Court on November 23.

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