Friday, 27 November 2009

Anna Bligh visited Cairns today

Not really news, but thought I'd share.


Stuey Traill said...

I saw her in Cairns Central at Myers doing some Christmas shopping. Anna, do your shopping when I have to, after work or on weekends.

Max Planck said...

There seems to be a logical inconsistency here. If you are not capable of shopping at the same time as Anna Bligh, then why were you sharing a shopping centre at the same time? Perhaps there is some relevance here to my quantum theory where we can know where a particle is, or where it is going, but not both? Perhaps the synchronous overlap of yourself and Anna Bligh in time - space at Carins Central can then be explained in terms of my theory?

All Unions Must Go said...

Stu Traill is likely "stalking" our Ms. Bligh as part of his "job". His job is "union thug".

When he's not doing that, he's defacing public property with bright yellow and red stickers like a common vandal.

All Onions Must Go said...

"All Unions Must Go" - wasn't that John Howard's Mantra? Hasn't that (among other things) helped the Liberals lately.

Jason O'Brien said...

Ink from her pen ran on her jacket on the way up and she nipped into Cairns Central to buy a replacement. In addition to the $100 she spent in Myers she also dropped a $116 million of new money to help the local economy while she was here. It was a really positive announcement about protecting local jobs.

Jason O'Bootlicker said...

Hey Jason,

Happy to see you and the other Labor bootlickers out trumpeting the far-too-late $116 million. And it isn't "new money", it's $116M in more money you're going to borrow.

And your failure to announce at the same time that this money is only going to be made available if/when Q Rail and other assets are sold off?

More Labor fiscal irresponsibility.

Continue bootlicking now.

KitchenSlut said...

She spent $100 on a new pen? Oh, hang on, maybe Jason means she spent $100 on a jacket? It's warming up now in Cairns and one wonders why the jacket was so essential unless to hide the nipple tassels in the circusmouse cartoon?

Ink from her pen ran onto her jacket? This gets more bizarre by the second! Anna ran into Myers to replace a stained jacket where she coincidentally ran into Stuey Traill who was in Myers stalking around the womens clothing but wasn't shopping? Hmmmm .....

exlaborite said...

I just loved the news item on nanna blighs visit and right behind her is the half man half woman on one side smirking and "parachute pitt" nodding his stupid head like a dog puppet on the back shelf of the car seat hhaaaa.

TAFE observer said...

Re Anna Bligh's annoucement of a $1 million dollars towards a boat training simulator.

Perhaps the money would have been better spent on buying a real boat for students to use, because at the moment, the Cairns TAFE college where all this training goes on, only has a leaky boat and no money to fix it, and they have to rent one from other government departments such as DPI and even, sometimes, having to resort to bussing the students to Townsville, to rent a boat down there.

Again, priorities are wrong....What is it costing taxpayers for TAFE to rent training boats?

Denis Walls said...

This is one of the funniest threads I've seen on the blog. I love the Flann O'Brien meets 'Carry On at Central' potential of the plot lines. Pity Hattie Jacques isn't around to play the part of Anna nor Syd James in the role of Jason. I nominate Slut and Planck as the scriptwriters. Tom Hedley can redeem himself as Executive Producer. Mike - you get to direct.

Thornton On Spence said...

Interesting it was a pen that leaked as it's normally the Labour Party that leaks. It couldn't be Jasons Pen because he uses the Yellow and Red Card system now to send people off.

Henry Poyntz said...

Wait.. isn't the OTHER party the one having the mutiny?

Conan Doyle said...

Holmes: Watson, what do you make of the situation in Cairns?

Watson: Ho, what a bit of fun there with that Bligh woman. I saw it on Cairnsblog.

Holmes: Yes, Watson, but the strange circumstances of the chance meeting at Central and the jacket? What of that?

Watson: Ha, Holmes, just a bit of fun don't all us red blooded men love some lesbian fetishism? Certainly as a physician the statistics I see through my professional journals say so!

Holmes: Take a grip Watson, you don't think the presence of Traill suspicious and the ink stain also a suspicious excuse?

Watson: Come Holmes! Why would a red pen ink stain be suspicious and Stuey was likely on an RDO.

Holmes: Precisely Watson! Why did you assume the ink stain was red?

Watson: Well Holmes she is Premier of Qld which has apparently attracted some attention for red ink?

Holmes: And what of the strangely unexplained presence of Traill, Watson?

Watson: Well Holmes, I presume he was doing an OH & S audit for the ETU of the Myers lingerie department. Trust me Holmes as someone who has experienced the consequences of an electrical fault between nipple clamps and the metal components of a constrictive corset I can assure you union intervention is essential here to ensure appropriate safety standards!

Holmes: They certainly are Watson!But what if the ink stain was not red?

Watson: What?

Thaddeus said...

Hehehe, the Federal Liberal Party is where the TOM AND JERRY SHOW is...BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Christ I laughed....that gormless, evil little wanker, Tony Slitherin Abbott reckons he's "Leader" material!~!
Then there's bullyboy Hockey....MR PUNCH himself, oh hahahahahaah. All they need is for AMANDA MISS PIGGY VANSTONE to throw her name into the ring..Christ, it's priceless.....