Thursday 2 April 2009

Les from Mooroobool

Recently Les from Mooroobool was on John McKenzie's radio show asking for centre lines to be painted on the road in Rambutan Close.
Les was concerned about cars cutting across corners in his neighbourhood.
The details were duly passed onto Alan Blake, the Divisional 5 Councillor, that encompasses Les' street. However, when the message made it to Blakie's inbox, he quickly disowned the complaint.
"I heard that person refer to me on radio." Cr Blake said in response to the call for help. "I have never spoken to him, nor is Rambutan in my Division."
A quick look at the Council map for Alan's patch show that Rambutan Close is indeed in Division 5.
Now, to be fair, the boundaries had changed a bit at the last election. However, that was a year ago. I hope every Councillor would know the basics of what streets are in their area, so not as to pass the buck when someone comes asking for help.


Clinton W, Edmonton said...

He's a "special" councillor, isn't he!?

Mooroobool Mike said...

Alan Blake: The 2009 man's Kevin Byrne!

Thornton's Peak said...

Why the hell should Alan have to bother with Rambutan Close anyway?
How can you expect him to drive all the way out there from his luxury CBD high rise apartment when he has got so many better things to do, like running his own business.

Frank Atkins said...

This is supposedly an experienced councillor with years in the job, and he can't even be bothered to check what streets are in his division. The simple truth is that this bloke does not even care.
Too busy running his own business to take a genuine intrest in his division 5.

Ronald, Baited Breath said...

Oh Frank, oohh, you're not a happy camper! Where do you live? Somewhere near Rambutan Close perchance????

Bungalow Bob said...

It is a shame Blake made it back onto Council,he was hopeless during his previous term,we found it a waste of time asking him for help.