Here's a note he's aimed at the new Council. Hold on for the ride.
- Roger Dickson added some editorial ramping to a few comments he grabbed off me , while I was doing a quick cuppa outside the World Hydrogen Conference last week, so sorry if they came out all bleeding and embellished. Apologies. Albeit I was a tad amused about the printing of even ‘dogs having the dirts’ throwaway.
With Bruce Gardiner’s gig being a quango, where he, if no one else, benefits from a good $annual outcome, I wonder what price you are going to have to pay, in terms of rate rises backlash, and informed Douglas backlash, for continued service to his agenda? He’s got you all convinced? He’s not the only cab at the rank.Our parks and gardens and cemeteries were always on a shoe string, good effort budget, but we did not, as I recall enquiring, ever make a loss from the big Mossman cemetery, which has sadly become the defacto regular meeting ground for many Yalanji clan. You would hesitate in upping burial cost if you watched what happens at Mossman’s cemetery.
Whilst I generally agree with constraints on developers, as borne out in some 150 tightening or clarifying suggestions I had drove in planning laws, there comes a time when the market decimates the building and construction biz, the last death being in 1989-1990, with the current imminent death running to the same timetable, just 20 years down the track, almost to the day.
So be conscious of timing....we are indeed heading into deep trough, where there will be thousands of tourism jobs lost, but there will bigger job losses in construction ahead, as per the regular recession game plan.
Reducing developer DA fees in Douglas makes a mockery of local logic, when simple home application double for mum and dad.
The Labor Party across NSW and Qld will be in deep shit next election, because their primary source of income, as they are now disgracefully now relying on the white shoe sector for campaign funds, ( sorry Jason, ) such that the 2 election ahead will be interesting. Yesterdays polls had only one percentage point between Borg’s looser and Bligh’s mutineers. Greens hold the balance, outside parliament.
I had a dinner with Barry Jones this time last week, and he had an interesting view, that what always drives politics in one simple , single, core thing....EVENTS. And we have all manner of events ahead, many likely $ugly. If nothing else, it makes your job really interesting.
The nasty political issues are likely ahead on rate rises for Douglas. I urged 2-3 transition on full amalgamation of Cairns and Douglas rates and charges, but that idea, despite support I recall from Julia in the campaign, seems to have flow out the window? Unwise?
We had what I reckon was socially fairer rating system here in Douglas, that made the thousands of overnight rental apartments pay more rates, than apartments for locals (as defined by a 3 month lease duration).
As 90% of tourist accom is interstate, can’t vote, and are pain in the arse’s anyway..... and as they demand tighter trimmed lawns and loads of tourism promo spending, we had no philosophical problem making them pay their share. It was very popular with locals, and we had barely a whimper out of Melb and Syd investors. If you share a semi left view on taxation, you are missing a big chance to get more income without losing local support, (bar idiots like Punshon and King).
And have you guys stalled on climate change interest? Where for example is some debate around extending say Douglas’s shade and insulate commercial planning code? Rudd’s Ross Garnaut report comes out on July 4, with the implications of carbon trading making the GST look like playtime, at a time when the short sighted reaction-ists are calling for a 5c drop in excise, (as short sighted as Qld’s petrol subsidy now). The months ahead will be very revealing, distinguishing those whose only agenda is poll popularity, from those capable of providing true long term leadership.
I had to chuckle at Barry Jones take on fuel prices, arguing we have been too slack too long on energy, and to quote him..."$200/barrel: BRING IT ON”.
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