Friday, 13 June 2008

Confidence still in the air

The tragic and predicable vacant media (aka Cairns Post and 846 AM et al) are scare mongers that need a coach holiday in Iran.

Last week I was invited to witness the graduation of 24 cabin crew who will join the Jetstar team at the Qantas subsidiary.

Jetstar now have around 140 cabin crew based in Cairns.

Amidst the beat up and drama on the tarmac out the window of the Flight Training ground school, the spirit and attitude inside was buoyant and positive. The Jetstar training boss flew in to celebrate and congratulate his new recruits.

With all the doom and gloom mischief makers out there, it was a nice reality check about an industry that has always had to adjust and evolve, like any business needs to. They are market driven, just like your corner IGA.

Even though some Japan-Cairns flights will be discontinued in December, the airline is still committed to our destination. It's unique. They know the value of providing Cairns as a product to key markets.

Of course Japanese also like the Gold Coast, god only knows why. It appears they may have won something over Cairns in this round. My work in tourism over many years, has taught that there's only one thing constant in this delicate business, and that is change.

The chief of Team Jetstar, the organisation that train and staff the cabin crew operation, was very upbeat about the airline's position, and serving Cairns. "We are a growing market and the investment we make in you all to train and get you out there is evident of that."

We should thank our lucky (Jet)stars, that a shockwave like this comes with sufficient warning. It's time - or overtime - that were stop thinking that things should roll on year after year.

Maybe after December, there'll be fewer light-less cycles on our city roads at night. We can hope.

Tourism Tropical North Queensland boss Rob Giason said on 846am this morning that he's optimistic about the future. "There's a review of aviation policy. Asia is more robust to low cost airlines and Cairns is well-placed to market," he says. "We will need to work hard though," he said to John McKenzie on 846AM.

"It's galvanised the community [in Cairns]. There's loyalty in Japan to Cairns," Giason said.

The next 3 months are usually the strongest for inbound tourists to the region, The high season runs from July to September.

Other carriers like Continental still will be flying direct into Cairns. With 2.1 million visitors a year coming to Cairns, there are new markets that need to be developed and the 8 million bucks now being thrown at TTNQ from the State and Feds will certainly help Rob's team create new marketing into growing markets.

They will also need to strengthen the Cairns - Gold Coast transit opportunities.


Anonymous said...

great post!
It's Mackenzie, with an A.
Did u hear what Macca said about Blogs this morning!

Janine Aitken said...

I try not to put myself through Macca's show most mornings, but I am curious what did the dear have to say? Dont tell me HE has noticed our beloved blog is back up and running.... I thought THEY didnt read the blog....

Anonymous said...

You are way off the mark with jetstar, after my experiences with this arrogant ignorant lot I refuse to ever fly with them again, I would sooner pay hundreds more to fly virgin and even qantas.
After their attempt to put travel agents out of business over a year ago by wanting people to book thru post offices it showed me what they are about.
They should never be considered by
any level of government or tourism bodies to be the first encounter for tourists as ambassadors to Australia, it would be disastrous.
Why should we support enticing tourists from japan/china when they arrive here and are shoved into buses etc and only taken to chosen shops and tourist sites, the only thing that happens is the accom business, restaurants,etc are the only ones who benefit.
We have had enough of this type of promotion over the last 8 years by the self centered business and ex mayor byrne, and look where it has got us, qantas has lost business because of the way cairns has become dead and boring.I have had comments from tourists over the last 18 months, from UK/NZ especially, they were told not to bother staying in cairns as there is nothing there, no mention of violence issues.
The tourism bodies should be promoting more into the european, UK, America's market.

Anonymous said...

Jetstar did 9/11!

Anonymous said...

Iagree wih anonymous above regarding Jetstar airlines,I have had two flights with them,never again,their service and manners rate 3 out of 10.
I have spoken to many people who have tried this airline,there has not been one good report.How they have continued to operate is beyond me.