Tuesday 17 June 2008

Good ridence D'Arcy

I have little respect for swimmer and now disgraced Olympic hopeful, Nick D'Arcy.

After at least three attempts to get re-instated on the Australian team, he's been shunned by his latest appeal. Rightly so.

Why should he receive any reprieve or special treatment after bashing one of his swimming colleagues, in a display befitting a Cronulla thug.

Tonight, D'Arcy announced that he's over swimming and will give it all away. I reckon he's going for the sympathy vote, but it doesn't wash with me.

Imagine if Thorpie, Hackett, Gould, or Fraser got up to such drama?

Next month he will have his day in court to face charges about the original incident that sparked his Olympic exclusion.


Anonymous said...

D'Arcy is nothing but a young thug,anyone who uses a kinghit method of fighting deserves all he may get.It is to be hoped he receives a long prison sentence after his trial is finalised.

Anonymous said...

He may yet be picked for the boxing squad haha.