Saturday, 28 June 2008

iPhone here July 11th

Apple's new next generation iPhone, that will embrace 3G technology, will be released in Australia in the next couple of weeks.
We will get the second generation iPhone, as it was released in the US 12 months ago. And there's been some radical improvements. The WiFi speeds will be significant. Battery life is also greatly improved. Apple claim 300 hours on standby, 5 hours talk time, Internet browsing 5- 6 hours, video 7 hours, and 24 hours on audio. Here's a full list of features.
In the USA, the new 8 Gb version retails for $199, ($208 AUD), and the larger 16 Gb model, also comes in white, an extra $100.
Both Optus and Vodafone have launched special websites after they announced to sell the iPhone
The biggest national carrier Telstra, was to provide the new product on it's network, but it
appears that Apple refused to provide it pre-loaded with Sensis white and yellow pages content.
It's a iPod and phone all in one. The phone also has GPS mapping, a huge leap forward as mobile mapping and related services are becoming so popular in car with Nav systems. This mobile will also support MS Exchange, iPod, and full internet surfing.
On eBay Australia, they're selling, unlocked to any network, for between $500 - $800.
Meanwhile, Telstra has threatened Optus with legal action over its claims that the iPhone will be able to use Optus' upcoming HSDPA network with 98% coverage.

It's a complicated issue, but anyone using an iPhone through Optus or Vodafone will only be able to use their shared 3G network. This operates on 2100MHz, which has a very limited coverage (major metro areas and some regional centres), but nothing like the blanket coverage on 900MHz HSDPA network. This is important to utilise all the features on the new phone.

iPhone is compatible with the 850MHz frequency used by Telstra's. So if Telstra does offer this new phone it will be the only operator to provide national HSDPA coverage.

Watch Apple's founder, Steve Job, show off his latest baby, as his audience of tech nerds cream their pants.

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