Monday, 19 July 2010

Who do you vote for if you don't want the boats to be stopped?

Tony Abbott has said he will turn boats back out to sea in an effort to deter the growing trade of illegal asylum.

"The next coalition government will swiftly begin negotiations with foreign countries to ensure that there is offshore processing available in those countries should Christmas Island be full," Tony Abbott said.

He's pledged to reintroduce the so-called Pacific Solution to process asylum-seekers offshore.

However, I'm confused. Who do you vote for if you don't want the boats to be stopped?


Andrew Neaves (via Facebook) said...

can of worms Mr Moore. can of worms

Leigh Dall'Osto (via Facebook) said...

I am with you Mike. I don't have a problem with 'boat people' and with figures showing that the number of people here on expired Visa's much, much, much higher, no one else should have a problem either. If Austalia turned pear-shaped tomorrow, and anything is possible, and we stayed pear-shaped for decades, I would be jumping in a leaky boat to get myself to NZ in a flash. Who has the right to judge these people when none have walked in their shoes?

Billy Evans Colless (via Facebook) said...

Vote for Students... :) - this is a great question mike..

Beatrice Babykis Forna said...

But Students is not a given option..

Beatrice Babykis Forna said...

Do donkey vote!!!

Jason Turner-Hullen (via Facebook) said...

I'd hate to get all christian on Julia's arse but Christ said to love our neighbours as we love ourselves and show hospitality to all in need. Australia is figuratively a christian nation therefore it is our duty to help out anyone who comes here, and if it is found out that they are here on wrong pretense then they can go back btu not turn them around in the middle of the ocean and possibly turn them back towards a life of hell.

Most white people in Australia are here because they were sent here so this place is a refuge for nearly everyone that lives here.

Louis Black said...

Andrew Neaves sez 'can of worms, Mr. Moore".

Is that what you're mixing into that vile ice cream this month, Andrew? No wonder you don't ever seem to have any customers. You are aware that the Movenpick 'round the corner is going gangbusters? Maybe why you've got time to sit on your computer all arvo.

Gav Hunter said...

Australians are all boat people.More recently Aircraft people. Maybe indigenous Australians should be given the rite to say who stays? This issue is a red herring anyhow.Malcolm Fraser welcomed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese in the 70's. Australia is a migration nation!

KitchenSlut said...

I would have thought it obvious that boat arrivals is not a simmplistic matter and that an appropriate process is quite reasonable?

In an ideal world it is surely preferable that there are no boat arrivals. The equivalence with visa cancellations is an intellectual donkey.

Are we seeing refugees or mass migrations in circumstances beyond the Post WW2 intent of the refugee convention. Why should anyone turning up on a boat or any other means be granted rights to Australian law beyond the UN convention?

Some of us are old enough to remember the appalling racist opposition from the ALP left to Vietnamese refugees including the revered Gough Whitlam's description to "fucking asian balts"!

How pretty! However i'm also curious as to the contradictions between an open door immigration policy as implied and the belated restated sustainable population policy? How does this fit with quality of life and workplace policy?

"Back to the 70's" would be more appropriate than "moving forward"!

Note: Most economic justification for open immigration comes from rationalist economists which usually includes me and i'm with Kevin Rudd on "Big Australia" and again some of us are old enough to recall the rorted political ALP family reunion programs of the 80's and 90's until a skills and needs based program was reintroduced .......

Have fun :)

Andrew said...

Gee thanks Louis sound like a lovely lady. the cold rock in aplin st is currently the 5th best store in Australia for sales and transactions fyi.
btw....what does your opinion have to do with Mr Moores comments about boat people? if youve got a problem with me, or my shop, drop in and say hi. keyboard warriors fight a fairly lame battle mate. keep up the great work.

Smithfield Sam said...
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Wendy Davie said...

If we are going to be serious about stopping all illegal entries and refugees, let's stop all aeroplane arrivals who aren't tourists who can be kept track of and sent home as soon as their money runs out.

It is true the majority of so called illegals arrive by plane, legally, and overstay their visa's.

Boat people make more dramatic media coverage especially when a racist government (Howard's) causes our navy to act against them.

Sarah Isaacs said...

How about voting for the Greens? The Greens' refugee policy recognises Australia's humanitarian and legal obligations to accept displaced people and reunite families, wherever they are from and however they come to