Saturday, 31 July 2010

"Don't let Gillard do what Bligh has done to Queensland"


Manjati said...

Sorry, love to comment but really can't at the moment. Too busy clearing the recent history cache on my browser so I can vote for Warren again and again in the online poll.

nocturnal congress said...

Ho hum, scaremongering tactics. Just like Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction" so we're going to hear over and over how Australia is broke and everyone is going to suffer a lingering, painful death of starvation and Australia wil sink back into the primordial dust..... Yeah, you go Manjati...Clear your browser with trembling hands and palpitating heart, shiver in your chair, stifle those screams of hysteria, hold your bladder and sweat it out as Johnny Howard stops Saddam Warren Entsch prepares to save us all from certain death.

CRAG said...

Friends, lets awaken to the fact that
Gillard-Bligh-Rudd-Howard-Keating-Hawke-Fraser are all Fabian TRAITORS

TRAITORS who have sold Australians and New Zealanders out to the Globalist Agenda 21.

Try this small sample of awakeners

:John: Babet Community Reformation Action Group (CRAG)

yk said...

Unfortunately if we allow this crowd to get back in for a second term the predictions of 'nocturnal congress' will indeed become reality.

The fact is that only after 1 term of Labor, Australia is broke after they recklessly spent the fortune amassed by Peter Costello over the previous decade. If the full audit was available on the BER now I seriously doubt if any sane thinking citizen would put 1 against their Labor candidate.

nocturnal congress said...

yk, there you go with your outrageous, lying nonsense. Australia's debt to GDP ratio as at June 2009 measured by the I.M.F. was 13.9%. The USA's is 97.5%, Canada's is 77.2%, Germany's 86.6%, France's is 80.3%.
As a country, we are going bloody well.
And it wasn't your hero Peter Costello who "amassed a fortune". We Australians lost our national assets when the Howard Government sold Telstra, the Commonwealth Bank, various airports and QANTAS to private corporations.

KitchenSlut said...

Congress. That is not a total debt to GDP ratio but rather restricted to public debt. Australia's debt to GDP ratio is rather high on a global scale but most punters don't want to acknowledge that this is actually their mortgage!?

Much of this was indeed accumulated under Costello but just like you most dont want to complain about the specifics that have advantaged themselves?

The net government position indeed changed substantially for the better under Costello particularly during the early difficult years when it should have been obvious that Beazley was a non-entity and a drain on the nation?

I regret that part of this legacy is an unhealthy obsession with public debt although i'm not sure you uinderstand this and it's broader imoplications?

Blogster said...

Guess who is the President of the National Executive* of the Labor Party? You got it...

...Anna Bligh...

*chief administrative body of the Australian Labor Party

Morgan James Davies said...

Bligh is doing to Qld. what the hairdresser isn't doing to Gillard.