Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Cairns mum Leigh Dall'Osto believes Cairns matters

Cairns mother of three and Labor party supporter, Leigh Dall'Osto, is the latest to start up a local blog.

She's calling it Cairns Matters.

Leigh says that while she dislikes negativity, reading blogs from various local people about issues which are of interest, she dislikes bad grammar.

"Incorrect spelling, ludicrous font usage and a serious lack of the use of capital letters, has me confounded," Leigh says. "I ended up looking for errors instead of reading and the thrust of the article was lost on me. The solution to my problem, start my own blog," Leigh says.

She describes herself as a mother, a wife and a friend.

"Others have described me as a chatterbox, an activist, opinionated and last, but hopefully not least, as a really lovely person," Leigh said. "I accept all of these labels wholeheartedly. I love this city and it's surrounding suburbs as I grew up here and after venturing into other states and territories to live, have always returned 'home' to Cairns."

"I love the sense of community that this area has. It gives me great comfort knowing that my neighbours are also friends and my children's friends have parents I know well. This is my community, my family, and my life," she says.

Leigh says she has a vested interest in the goings on around her, particularly on the south side where she resides.

"For this reason, I have begun this venture and hope you will enjoy my rants, my raves and my obvious enjoyment of life in the pocket of Australia I love the best."
  • CHECK OUT the full Cairns Blog Roll in the sidebar here on CairnsBlog. It's updated in real time, so you can follow the most recent activity.


Elaine Will said...

Some really good points especially on the recent blog, I was very surprised when I found out what the law was here, QLD is out dated on certain issues and for the wellbeing of women and the freedom to choose it must change. Each and every persons circumstances are different, I have nursed many women who made the choice and felt guilty and very sad after but did it for all the right reasons, I really feel for the young woman involved if the trauma of what she had to do was not enough, all the aftermath will surely be.

Curtis Pitt, MP for Mulgrave said...

Good onya Leigh! You're the voice of young Mums everywhere...

David Anthony said...

Good on you, Mike, for promoting the blogsites of other blogsters. I know Leigh Dall'Osto and she's a very nice person to know. She loves her family, enjoys socialising, is a great cook and has an engaging sense of humour. She's not loud and brash, though, but she is witty and "slightly nutty".
Her blogsite is a breath of fresh air. I don't know if Leigh has heard of the American writer, the late Jean Kerr, but the blogsite reminds me of Kerr's wonderful and funny little book about family life called "Please Don't Eat the Daisies".
I reckon we are seeing a new author in the making here.

Whitsuunnday Tourism Promotions said...

Congratulations on the blog but is there any reason why a blog called "Cairns Matters" features a headline photo of Airlie Beach?