Thursday, 15 July 2010

Child rapist Polanski freed

AP reports...
  • Roman Polanski was declared a free man on Monday after Switzerland rejected a US request to extradite him to be sentenced for having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl.

The Swiss Government helped out a known child rapist, and as my mate at KiwiBlog David Farrar says, they get such a tough time from most Governments.

"Really it is all the fault of the US. Don’t they understand that you are immune from prosecution for child rape, if your films get good reviews from critics," David Farrar says. "A lot of people think that the sex between the then 43-year-old Polanski and the 13-year-old Gailey was consensual – it was only an offence because she was too young to legally consent. This is not the case."

Gailey alleges Polanski drugged her and raped her both vaginally and anally. Farrar says that Polanski claims it was consensual (apart from the age) and that she enjoyed being sodomised by him.

What 13 year old wouldn’t?

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