Tuesday, 6 July 2010

A cover story is worth a thousand dollars

Coles and Wollies want to open till 9pm on the weekends.... and this is front page news because?

Oh, that's right. They spend big advertising bucks with the Cairns Post. Doh!


Marty Braley (via Facebook) said...

Spot on!!!!!

stinhambo said...

It's because that's all Cairns has to look forward to.

There aren't any decent boutique stores left so we're just left with big corporations who tell us where gourmet chef's shop at and that we should shop there too.

stinhambo said...

It's because that's all Cairns has to look forward to.

There aren't any decent boutique stores left so we're just left with big corporations who tell us where gourmet chef's shop at and that we should shop there too.

T Rex. Cairns said...

Perfect decision. Everyone shops for groceries, and the extra jobs and work is needed locally. I'm with the post here.

James Wilson, Kewarra said...

Mr T Rex the observation wasn't about the longer hours... but the story placement... ... plus surely there's more important news to cover on the front page???!?!!!!

he without sin said...

1) people can stay out later and then can still do their shopping after? not such a bad thing, shows Cairns as more of a Metro town than a hicksville

2) People shopping later can maybe only do it then, if there is another shop open around it...maybe they go in.. not such a bad thing for the local economy

3) More work for Cairns locals...do i need to spell that one out?

4) Advertising of the Coles and Woolworths size are national!! open up another paper you will see they advertise in there as well.

5) you hate the newspaper

For all these reason i say well done for putting on the front page!

T Rex said...

front page perfect for a story that makes a difference to every reader. I stand by my previous comment. Agree to disagree on this one.

Pete said...

Who would be risking their necks hanging around shopping centre car parks at that hour of the night in this town, particularly on weekends?

Terradactyl said...

Do you seriously believe the reason it made the front page was due to their money spent on advertising with the Post? That is really grasping at straws. Your lack of objectivity damages your credability regarding the Post.