Friday, 16 July 2010

Jim Turnour says have your say...

"An important part of being an adult is having your say in elections.
Please remind your friends that they need to be
enrolled to vote."
-Jim Turnour, Facebook 16th July 2010


Al said...

Mike, in the interest of maintaining an intelligent blog, can't the sort of purile juvenile comments such as that above from the likes of 'Young one' be excluded? It adds nothing to the debate.

yk said...

The very fact that 'Young One' reads this Blog, and is prepared to leave a comment,surely means he/she is a cut above the normal. I would like to know their gender and why they consider our Jim to be a 'Dickhead'.

young one said...

I am a female 19 yr old law student and I cannot believe someone of such limited public persona , could have possibly been elected.

David J Delaney (via Facebook) said...

Why!!!the polies don't listen anyway!

Paul Drabble (via Facebook) said...

David I feel that could be the title to your next poem.

Thaddeus said...

young one, with such considerable experience in the world and such an astute judgement of personas, I know you will be voting for Mel Gibson, the man with a persona extraordinaire...

Redneck wonderland - Cairns said...

why do I feel I'm reading the comments section of the online Cairns Post? Surely we can do better in this part of the world. Informed comment please!!!!

David J Delaney (via Facebook) said...

Probably right there Paul, but the way I feel about them all, the poem would get canned for having to much polie bashing!!LOL!!

yk said...

Dear Young One, You're not the only one who has difficulty believing we could have elected Jim. But it has been said before on this Blog that, at the last election, he was the least unattractive candidate on the card. Perhaps you were a bit young to recall who the LNP foisted upon us but suffice to say she was a young, immature female with a big mouth and limited life experience outside of University.

The Essence of Good Taste said...

yk, I'm disappointed you did so little research on the last LNP candidate. Charlie is over 30 (hardly greenstick young), she grew up in FNQ on prawn trawlers and in a small country town where she worked in both cases in the family business helping make ends meet. She put herself through university and has worked professionally since. I've always found her a good listener, a passionate advocate for small business and communities, and no coward. Each to there own opinion, I suppose, but you do leave me wondering if we are thinking of the same candidate...

palm frond said...

Jim Turnour hasnt grown up himself yet!
Of course has has to try to attract the new voters as they probably do not know how inept he has been over these past few years. He cannot handle the big issues and is not representing the people who elected him. He has done nothing for the public housing issue in Palm Cove or Trinity Park. He refused to even meet them!!! He just toes the Labor Party line - how boring and unoriginal!! Come August 21st - your gone Turnour. Bring back Entschy, at least he works for the people.