Monday, 19 July 2010

Big Kev is back, sorta.

Kevin Byrne is back. This one, sporting a slightly unflattering caricature, has recently appeared in cyberland, with Val Schier and the culture centre in his aim.
He's already attracted a following and counts Jesse Kuch from the Cairns Post, Katrina Breen from the LNP, Bluewater property man Nathan Shingles, Paul Drabble and Raj Patel from the Sugarworld waterslide campaign, Trent Evans from 7 News, Cazalys and Skyrail, and even Councillor Rob Pyne, amongst his "friends".
He now has more friends than the real Kevin Byrne on Facebook, who boasts 21 "friends."

"Fatfking Kev" says he's running for Mayor of Cairns.
"I wuz gunna try 4 Canberra - but I did that b4 - tried Canberra failed, tried Brissie - failed - finally got Cairns - but had it stolen TWICE," he says. "I march 2 a different drummer - most ppl start at bottom and work way up - me - I failed my way down."
He's dead set against the planned performing arts centre.
"Who needs a performing arts centre - they got me beudiful mushroom in town," Fatfkkev says, presumably in reference to the Palm-inspired stage at City Place. "The mushroom [is] my new campaign logo - keep em in the dark and feed em bullshit."
Local Labor supporter Wendy Davie said if he's determined to be king of something, fat is as good as it comes.
"You're a cruel woman, Wendy to mock my medical condition. I have a problem with water retention," Fatfking Kev responded.
Davie asked if it was only water retention.
"If that's water retention, you're retaining Copperlode Dam" Destiny Rogers retorted.
I doubt the real Kevin Byrne has sanctioned this Facebook profile, however I'm sure it's bound to get the usual band of intellectuals on board, spouting their brand of stimulating hatred. Sounds like a whole lot of fun.


Hal Cleaver (via Facebook) said...

Let's hope the real Kev comes back.

Fat Fking Kev said...

It's important the ungrateful bastards who didn't vote for me are shown the errors of their ways.

Bloody hippies and their Valcano. Tell Val to ask the Mayor of Pompei what happened to the last city that thought a volcano on the waterfront was a good idea. He won't say much - cause he's buried under lava. hahafkingha

JKR said...

Tasteless, just like the comments on "Val Shier is a crap mayor". Is this online bullying as well then?

Fat Fking Kev said...


Very Perceptive

Doug John Sainsbury (via Facebook) said...

Regards to Mike. He's doing Cairns a favor. Showing what happens behind the scenes, showing the things that a lot of people are too idiotic to stand up against, or are too ignorant of. He's shining a torch on the scum & the problems of this area for all to see, so we may one day fix things. We are all bolts & cogs in this machine. When one bolt screws up, it must be replaced. We must become strict if things are to get better. Enough childish passiveness, enough childish media. It is time for some hard education, truth, and fact. Thankyou Mike. You're standing up for what's right.