Thursday, 29 July 2010

"If Tony Abbott becomes PM , God help us!" - Paul Keating


Leuco Gaster said...

PK is spot-on, as usual - on Abbott as an intellectual nobody, and on the comparison with Turnbull. As he says, "If Abbott becomes Prime Minister, God help us!" I'm confident that the Australian people are too smart to elect Abbott.

CRAG said...

Paul Keating Fabian Society

Tony Abbott Jesuit Society

Its all smoke & mirrors to keep us in the illusion that voting for a political party makes a difference.

Behind the curtain they all have the same puppet Masters.

:John: Babet Community Reformation Action Group (CRAG)

Cairns Resident said...

Mike, I am surprised you gave space in your blog to this 'has been'. Who cares what he says or thinks, no one is listening. He had his chance and all we got from this pompous tosser was political correctness and the recession we had to have. God didn't help him much.

A Real Liberal said...

Last year, Tony Abbott was flying around the country at the taxpayers' expense, promoting his book Battlelines, according to veteran journo Glenn Milne, writing on The Drum.

Warren Entsch is apparently up to the same sort of tricks, reportedly using his travel privileges as a retired member to slug the taxpayers for campaign flights around Cape York. Nice for some!

I'll say one thing for Warren - he's got a lot of guts!

Bryan Law said...

Gee, a "real" liberal these days isn't concerned about checks and balances, Parliament, political rights and freedoms, or accountability for performance...just a few personal insults. Isn't that funny. "Real" liberals behave just like the Labor Party!

CRAG said...

reply to R Ramjet :

JB is your elder brother trying to awaken you from the Illusion of the blue-red-green gang puppeteers who want to keep enjoying the fruits of your enslavement READ THE WEBSITE WAKE UP STAND UP FOR SELF-FAMILY

:John: Babet Community Reformation Action Group (CRAG)

virgin mary said...

There is more chance of god helping abbott not the athiest non married closet lesbo I think.

Mat Moloney said...

Tony Abbott becoming PM would be evidence that God did help us.

Morgan James Davies said...

Qouth the Lizard of Oz? Why didn't anyone have the stones to expose his sexual peccadilloes when he was in office? They're almost as disgusting as Bob Carr's.