Well, my prediction is once Julia has taken in almost every electorate over the next few weeks for a gazillion photo ops.
You see, every Labor polly had a bank of pix with their leader, now their ex leader, Kevin Rudd. Remember him? These are now as useful as a Pauline Hanson Immigration Welcome Kit, or the Dennis Ferguson Guide to Playground Safety.
So Julia's minders are busy getting the beloved crispy fresh leader to all corners of the continent, so local electioneering leaflets can hit the presses before the Federal election is called.
Oh, and for the record, Jim wanted Kevin as PM.
PS: as an aside, I received this email doing the rounds...
- Internet Warning: If you get an e-mail titled - ‘Nude photo of Julia Gillard’, don't open it……….. It contains a nude photo of Julia Gillard.
If you have any doubt how dumb this dickhead is look at the loser in just five minutes of googling.
"Federal Member for Leichhardt Jim Turnour who won his seat in the 2007 election with the second biggest swing in the country is so thoroughly disliked by his own local party members and by his own left faction that there are serious moves afoot to unseat him and preselect a different candidate for the next federal election."
"I will be supporting him. He's from Queensland. I believe that we're in tough times at the moment. I know that there are some popularity issues with Kevin out in the electorate.
"But you know we've been working hard behind the scenes to support jobs in Cairns and I'll be supporting him in the caucus this morning.
"I get one vote. Obviously the reporting is this morning"
"He earlier said he would vote for Kevin Rudd in a leadership ballot despite being a member of Labor’s Socialist Left"
"Vote for Kevin Rudd and Jim Turnour"
"North Queensland Labor MP Jim Turnour said he would be voting for Mr Rudd. ''I believe in tough times you stick together'' he said"
Posted June 172010 at 7:15 AM
Did you know Jim turnour was asked not to stand again .
Earlier this year he was asked to stand down and he refused.
He is seen as a rudd puppet and the region believe he is useless as a voice for them."
Tosser Turnour sent me a Newsletter that reassured me he "is working hard" not once but three times. He also told me about all the extra seats on Aircraft flying into Cairns, 5,250 I recall, that he was instrumental in securing. No mention of how many bums are on them but if we look at Julia's she will need three.
The man is a complete fool and has no idea. If you have seen the Liberal Ad with cutting the strings of the puppets this is a perfect example as I think the strings are all that stops Jim Turnour falling down because he is so stupid he can't do anything in his own right.
Well stuey traillman has said openley he will not support him at this years election , due to his weak as piss backing on privitization .
Also dugong person riddle said he has dumped him and he was always telling everyone at the last election how good this dill was.
So without those two turbo tongues who is backing this dickhead?
Or will they backflip ?
7th july 2010
Federal Member for Leichhardt Jim Turnour said the $150 million injection was expected to generate more than 400 local jobs.
“This is a great step forward for Cairns and the surrounding areas and it’s really great to deliver on this critical election commitment for the region,” Mr Turnour said.
Press Release by Jim Turnour on his website: http://www.jimturnour.com.au
5 November 2007
Cairns will be a big winner under Labor's $2.2 billion plan to upgrade the Bruce Highway, with nearly $200 million to clear congestion and reduce flooding in the Far North.
In Cairns today, Shadow Minister for Transport, Roads and Tourism, Martin Ferguson, said Labor's $2.2 billion package included $150 million to fix a 2km section from Sheehy Road to Ray Jones Drive and $40 million to raise the southern approach to the Mulgrave River Bridge.
Mr Ferguson said the Bruce Highway had been neglected for over a decade.
"Labor understands Cairns is booming. An extra 7 500 people have moved here in the last five years alone, most to the corridor south of the city.
"The Bruce is the only road into the city, but under Mr Howard it's grinding to a halt.
"Labor's $200 million plan will fix a major bottleneck, boost safety and ensure Cairns isn't cut off for days after heavy rains. It's an investment in Cairns' future."
Labor's plan will:
Build a 3rd inbound lane on Ray Jones Drive
Construct road overpasses at Ray Jones Drive and Sheehy Road
Eliminate rail crossings at Sheehy Road and Anderson Road
Provide service roads either side of the Highway to enable Anderson Road traffic signals to be removed
Set up a sophisticated traffic management system to monitor flows and manage traffic incidents
Raise the southern approach to the Mulgrave River Bridge
That woman has no shame whatsoever or was she, in fact, instructed to pose for this photograph with our resident village idiot by the nameless, faceless and unelected men who run the Australian Labor Party.
leuco you bum sucker tell me how jt spends $150 million in 2007 and the same today you wanker and still no work done hhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Leuco Gaster - "Is it just a co-incidence that it's the Entsch (Tory) supporters who inundate this blog." I hope you haven't just realised this. The people I know who read this blog but would never bother to leave comments tend to say say much the same thing. But I do find the politically predictable regular 'commenters' a bit of a giggle, ESPECIALLY THE SHOUTERS!!!!!
If only the hit-and-run anon ALP supporters were of higher calibre. But what what I've seen, it's about equal.
Politics as a shouting game, generally avoiding serious policy discussion while showering personal abuse.
Rather like question time in Parliament.
Hi Jen - I noticed long ago that it's the hysterical reactionaries who can't resist foul abuse, like "too smart4u" above. He has a bad bite! But baiting these morons is a bit of harmless entertainment.
leuco it is fun playing with kids you are out of your league .
You poor thick head and what makes you think you are playing with more than one you goose?
I think Syphilis sister's brain addled comment just proved your point Leuco. Fortunately they'll be back at 'skool' next week and they might be able to learn stuff and make grown up comments (fingers crossed).
Oh yes they will be back at School benefitting from Julia's Education Revolution. To be said in a voice that would penetrate steel.
I am not an Entsch supporter but I do have enough intelligence to know when we are being taken for a ride by a bunch of people hell bent on spending and spin.
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