Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Tony Abbott new Liberal leader, by 1 vote

Joe Hockey was eliminated in the first round of a Party room vote.

Hockey got 23 votes, Malcom Turnbull 26, and Tony Abbott 35.

In the final ballot, Abbott gained 42 against Turnbull's 41, showing a deeply divided party.

Julie Bishop will remain deputy.

The ETS Bill will return to the House this morning, with an anti-climate change Liberal leader. Fun times ahead.


Stuey Traill said...

Tony Abbott was the Health Minister in 2007 that shoulder charged JCU Student Association President, Janine Aitken during his visit to the Calvary Hospital with John Howard. If this is the best the Libs can come up with Labor will be in power for years.

Miss Chief. said...

To paraphrase Tiny Tim (Christmas Carol NOT Tiptoe through the Tulips) "God Help us every one".

Bryan Law said...

The hard right of the Liberal party have achieved a victory that will see them out of office for many, many years. I admit to a certain satisfaction in seeing these men pull the castle down around their ears. Long live Tony Abbott.

On the other hand a useless opposition is harmful to democracy, as we’ve seen in Queensland with a corrupt and mediocre Labor government spared from accountability. I hate to think that KRudd will enjoy the same freedom.

They say that in a democracy you get the government you deserve. I wonder what we’ve done to deserve this?

Skins said...

Tony Abbott is not, (& stated as much this morning), that he is not "anti climate change" as you put it, but is against Rudds ETS & actually believes in climate change.
You should start checking your facts before pushing send.

The Headless Horseman said...

If Abbott becomes Prime Minister we will be living under a defacto theocracy with an Abbott and a Bishop running the Liberal Party.

Paul said...

he may not be able to fill the shoes of Menzies, but will future generations ask if future Liberal leaders can fill those Abbott speedos?

Mark Davis said...

It was more than that, Stuart. He assaulted her, as simple as that. Once a thug, always a thug, and one with a penchant for picking on women

Bryan Outlaw said...

Bryan Law babbled thusly: "They say that in a democracy you get the government you deserve. I wonder what we’ve done to deserve this?"

Perhaps those pissing their ballot away on "Four Wheel Drive", "Fishing", "Beer Drinkers" and "Serial Arsehole" parties might think twice about it the next time they cast their vote.

Bryan Law said...

Hey! The Serial Arsehole Party sounds good. The competition for leadership could get mesy though.

not convinced said...

Stuff rudds climatetax I like abbott for his stand and I am a normally labor voting australian , we are rushing into this without enough explanation on the cost to our future generations ,bugger the greenies they are nuts.

The Grateful Mac said...

Bryan Outlaw, judging by your constant negative and pointless comments you would firmly belong in the "Serial Arsehole" party. do you ever have any constructive to say about anything ?

Maybe you should seek professional help to do something about your absurd obsession with Bryan Law ? It's kinda childish really..

Monty said...

"not convinced"-You go for it mate. Ironicaly the greenies don't want it either, but for different reasons. Vote for the likes of the mad denialist monk. Lucky for me I won't have any kids who will have to live through the consequences if /when they find you "armchair scientists" have totally f----d it up. What is the alternative? Do you really not think there is going to be a major cost to change our ways?

Prosimak said...

Hey Not convinced, you should find solace he if you Google "Citizens Electoral Council of Australia" They might be on your wavelength. Just make sure you have your tinfoil hat.

KitchenSlut said...

As far as I am aware the last Australian politician to appear prominently in dick stickers (speedos) was NSW opposition leader Peter Debnam (prominently photographed early in last campaign emerging from surf which drove women and youf speeding the other way) and subsequently completely blew the last NSW election against possibly the most incompetent government in Oz history!

P.S. Many years ago when John Howard was in his triple bypass political recovery stage before re-emergence as a leader KS shared a beach at Hawks Nest where JH had his Chrissy hols. JH did give a cheery wave and hello however the visage of JH in nothing but speedos wandering the shoreline still sometimes engenders post traumatic stress in KS! However its a great bi-partisan party story which can always induce vomit from discerning women regardless of political persuasion!

Disvlaimer: This lengthy trivial PS has no meaningful purpose other than to annoy my favourite cyberstalker and critic, Mick Mighell !

Mick Mighell said...

It's not the fictitious content of the postscript which is problematic this time, Kitchenslut.

This time the problem is the 16 hour delay between Annablle Crabb's report feast on national media and your sorry morsel of thin, shriveled, plagiarism.

Annabelle wrote (a whole working day ahead of you): "Don't wear budgie smugglers" has also been defied, though with tragic results for the former NSW Liberal leader Peter Debnam, whose photoshoot in the briefest of swimming costumes heralded his imminent failure at the polls in 2007." on the ABC, 'Divided Liberals Limp to Day of Reckoning', 5.45 am, 1/12/09.

You're better when you trawl around your desk for titbits than when you just nibble bits off the net.

not convinced by fools said...

Just to prove how much the greens have control of the labor party , just use your grey matter for a moment and think of the reason they stopped the traveston dam , it supposedly endangered some cod and turtles ,well der they both live in water ! and you all swallowed it ! Do you reall think that as we live on the fringe of a huge desert that our weather will not detiriate on its own ,drive 10klms past mareeba and you are in an arid climate , you are all gullible.

Skins said...

Thaddeus you would be better served by debating the issues than by name calling, & showing your lack of intellect by attacking a man for his religious beliefs.
Not very attractive.

KitchenSlut said...

The Compost has reported today that one of the two legal brothels in town are on the market!

Most curiously the $300k price for 5 brothel rooms corresponds closely with the price of a poker machine for each room under current Qld legislation!

Hmmmm ......

Thaddeus said...

Woooh, Skins, touch a nerve did I?

Michael said...

Skins I find it hard to respect anyone who has to believe in sky pixies to make their miserable life worthwhile. Even more so when they feel the need to force it down my throat.

Michael said...

KitchenSlut- nah Bernie is just taking out insurance and selling in case the Mad Monk actually gains traction and actually becomes a threat and gets the opportunity to make Australia a Papal State.

Skins said...

I think you have been forcing too many other things down your throat Michael.
You should probably stop now.
No Thaddeus, just trying to get an intelligent debate.
Obviously impossible to have one with you.
How old are you Thaddeus?

Thaddeus said...

Old enough, Skins, to recognise a happy-clapper hypocrite and someone who is pissed off because I can. And leave Mike alone. He's the best media we have in Cairns.

Skins said...

There you go name calling again Thaddeus.
You jump to the wrong conclusions far too quickly to be taken seriously.
Does your mum know you are on the computer?

Bazza said...

The liberal rip off far right, supporters of big biz who don't want to pay anything towards emissions have chosen abbot as a sacrificial anode on a sinking catamaran.

KitchenSlut said...

Forget the ETS! Forget the black armband and historicalinterpretation! The real culture wars are now on as Kevin takes a kick to the crotch of an Australian icon!

"You know something. If there was a referendum tomorrow between budgie smugglers and boardies, I think I'd be voting for boardies,” Mr Rudd said on Thursday.

"I think there are certain things the Australian people should be protected from and one of those things is national political leaders so attired.

“What is it about the Libs and swimming gear, it seem to be a bit of a pattern,” he said, referring to former NSW Liberal leader Peter Debnam before his defeat in the 2007 state election.

Quoted from the Courier Mail online but if want to have a look at that middle paragraph there is an odd nuance from todays hard copy edition of the CM which says:

"I think I'll be voting for boardies and I think there are certain things Australian people should be protected from"

What an odd editing divergence?What? protection is needed from the budgie smuggler wearer? Is the need to wear boardies our own cultural version of the burka?

So who is the puritan here? To say nothiing of his shameless plagiarism of my favorite political commentator Annabel Crabb many after myself (which I didn't see anyway) who herself shamelessly plagiarised the tabloid Tele who published it the day before. Thats if you believe the absurdly literal definition of plagiarism adopted in above comments by some mendaciously disturbed minds.

Commentary seems to completely avoid that apart from Abbott (never an admirer myself and an opponent on many key issues including climate change)it is Rudd who has been the most politically prominent christian in parliament?

nocturnal congress said...

KS, that dubious honour would go to Fielding, I reckon.

KitchenSlut said...

Congress, i chose to discount Fielding as a nobody and simply focus on the two candidates who are most contemporarily quoted and referenced on religion and politics. Both now head either party.