Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Liberal National Party shake up in Cairns

Local committees governing the Liberal National Party in the State seat of Cairns and the Federal Leichhardt seat, have had a shake up, with new executives elected, following the pre-selection of Warren Entsch.

The Leichhardt Federal Divisional Council (FDC), and the Cairns State Electorate Council (SEC) have elected new younger faces, as they head into the next elections.

Vic Black, former Mulgrave LNP candidate, who supported Jen Sackley in her pre-selection bid for the Federal seat of Leichhardt, has stepped aside as chair.

Members have elected local Westcourt pharmacist Trent Twomey, as the new chair. Twomey manages Amcal Day and Night Pharmacy on Mulgrave Road and is also on the board of the Australian College of Pharmacy. He holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy and a Bachelor of Business from James Cook University, where he was also Young Liberal President.

36-year-old accountant and tax specialist Scott Andrews, has been elected as the new chair for the Cairns SEC, replacing John Giaimo.

Andrews founded Taxsmart ten years ago, and holds a degree in Commerce. He has specialist knowledge in business advisory services, property investment and auditing of not for profit organisations.

26 year old graduate law clerk with Preston Law Jake Robertson, was elected as vice chair for the Cairns SEC.

Roberston specialises in commercial property law, wills and estate planning and administration of deceased estates.

The departure of a number of people from key party positions, reflects Entsch's selection, for a team that will support his election bid.

It is widely believed that the Cairns State Electorate Council was largely ineffective during the last State election in supporting LNP candidate Joel Harrop, who was recently appointed LNP State Secretary.

A Party insider told CairnsBlog it was others in the LNP that "picked up the pieces". Harrop's pleas to get party faithful door-knocking and delivering leaflets were largely ignored.

Anne Jackson, another Sackley supporter, has also resigned from the Leichhardt FDC. Warren Entsch, is the Far North Zone chair for the LNP, a role he may still retain.


Unknown said...

Hoooray for Trent!! The Libs do have some brains left!

This will really shake up the politics in the region - we might even see some fireworks..

Now.. what surprises can the other parties throw up??

Dora Nee said...

Good, now let's see a clear policy on abortion. Will the LNP decriminalise abortion in Queensland and bring us into line with the rest of Australia???

Miss Chief said...

Let me congratulate those who have teken over these positions.
I'm going to qualify it by saying that Vic & Ann will both be missed. I really hope I have the opportunity to say that to WE if & when he finally decides to concentrate on the job he's managed to worm his way into and give up his 'control' of the Zone chair. I'll really miss a hole in the head!
Jen Sackley deserved to have been preselected, but it's hard to talk through a gag.
Shame that WE didn't put a sock in his mouth too.

Insider said...

Anna Jackson has not only resigned from the Leichhardt FDC, she has also resigned from the LNP, like a large number of other far northern Queensland people.

Unknown said...

Entschies big gut is the wrong message to send to everyone, especially children. It's a real environmental and health disaster!
Are you sure he is good at making decisions as his appearance and health choices extrapolated to the public political arena don't seem to resonate well with a bright future for all?
Accepting personal outcomes he has prepared for himself, I'd say we are ALL going to need a good shot in the arm if he manages to get it up.
These LNP boys don't look that good either. Can't see the fruit and vege booming out of their smiles, just more of the same colonic cancerous red meat. They already need a good whack in the vein by the look here. It's called the 'beef eaters look', the precursor to heart disease etc. etc. etc..
Not a good omen. Be afraid everyone, be very afraid as these folk are our potential masters.

Miss Chief said...

Believe me insider, I'm only hanging in there because I'm an optomist and believe that, with the help of the decent members out there, we can actually bring about change from within.
I'd like to remind people that the LNP was only 1 yr old in July, but it's inherited some nasty baggage from both the Liberals and the Nationals...baggage that should still be in the lost and found. Frankly most of the problem lies in Brisbane and it's not with the front of the house politicos - they appear to be unaware of what's really going on...or perhaps they prefer not to see.

Anne Jackson said...

I'd like to know where "insider" gets his info from. I have NOT resigned from the LNP YET!!!!!!

Disenchanted LNP member. said...

Warren Entsch and Co, will get a shock when the federal election comes around. A large number of people resigned from the LNP recently because of his election and because of other maters and his support base has been greatly eroded. If good independents will stand for Leichhardt they will get their vote from a large section of the LNP, and former Nationals and Liberals. I’m really surprised that Jake Roberson accepted a position after what the Cairns LNP hierarchy under the stewardship of Warren Entsch has done to Jake’s wife, Louise - you are an unprincipled crawler, Jake. The reason the LNP had to elect a new executive was because the previous had resigned their position because the way they had been treated. Good luck to you, you will not get much help or donation at the next election and Entsch has a snowflakes change in hell to win back Leichhardt.

JKR said...

4052 0707

To Disenchanted LNP member, I offer my phone number and the chance to have the courage of his/her own convictions, rather than hide behind anonymity.

I will point out that I have been leading the charge to make the LNP in Far North Queensland more open, more honest, and more accountable. I believe the best way of effecting change is from within.

I will also point out to you that you have your facts concerning my wife completely arse about face.

It is a shame that you did not exercise some caution before denigrating me. I will give you the opportunity to apologise privately, to save yourself from further embarrassment.

Jake Robertson

Wot's that Stentsch? said...

Good to know that the local Lib/Nats are as united as the rabble in Canberra.

KitchenSlut said...

Word has it that Wazza is following the model of Santo Santoro who he once despised. Sycophantic young recruits. Perhaos Desley Boyle is also following this model with speculation of Kirsten Lesina as next ALP candidate for Cairns? This model is also behind the Harrop appointment. All males from City Life glib backgrounds?

Apparently Wazza is now also the only LNP person allowed to make public comments as the rest are gagged? This spruiked youthfulness also hides the ongoing influence of Dennis Quick. Has anyone else noticed that the Quickie blog went quiet when the order went out that only the bloated windbag Wazza was allowed to speak?

Many LNP resignations have been suggested with some previously prominent members recently just hanging on until after the pre-selection vote ......

P.S. Did Wazza really tell a fellow LNP member recently that he 'missed the power'? Roll on the destructive Santoro model attempting to replicate the ALP factional model neither of any relevance to the rest of us?

CBD Warrior said...

Yo, dis. .

Parties often undergo "disruption" in members as new come in and new go out. The old executive couldn't find an acceptable candidate for Warren's seat when he resigned, instead handing it over to Howdy Doody & Company. Their replacement is part of the party renewal process, perfectly normal.

Warren clearly has the cajones to take this seat back from the do-nothing "What Me Worry" Turnour. Plenty of supporters and new party members will do the work.

Quentin Crisp said...

Ooh I love the yellow ties! And such fresh faces! I disagree with Kitchenslut this looks much more like the Rene Rivkin model of surrounding himself with attractive young men!?!

Damn, I'm just sooo jealous!!!

Louise Robertson said...

I would just like to say, Disenchanted LNP member, that I still hold multiple positions in the LNP, most notable is Functions Director for Warren's Campaign Team.

Disenchanted LNP member needs to check his/her facts before questioning ones principles. If, after you have all the correct information, you still hold to your opinion then have the courage to post under your name.

KitchenSlut said...

CBD Worrier (sic)

Wazza was the selfish arsehole who went missing in the last election and failed to fulfill his designated role and opened the door for the appalling Barney Crossland as spoiler supported by a whie-anting disloyal KB and the Cairns Business Boys Club. Barney got 3.8% despite strong funding and media coverage and electoral office support from Barnaby Joyce down on Sheridan St next to the sex shop!

Wazza meanwhile made prominence in his final year by galivanting around the world to be one of the biggest parliamentary travel spenders in the last year of his term. He also embarrassed the party by his conflicted position on the CEC board which remains!

I wont go into some of the runmoured sexual shennanigans with his own staff! Go Tiger *growl*!!

Cairns resident said...

They can't help themselves can they? They drag out old (I mean old) have been's who have already received the boot by the electorate. Springborg in Brisbane ! "(Mrs Bucket Bishop in Canberra with the Big Joke Abbot & the other Bishop) maybe he thought he could work with a relligious name like that and could become Pope and now Entsch comes back again out of the wilderness !! Isn't there any young blood out there or are their "Look No Policies" not attractive to the younger generation? What a Joke....

Mike said...

I'm sure Warren is still capable of adhering to his past master's doctrine, now we have John Howard 2.0 in Canberra in opposition. I'm sure he will learn the same mantra towards abortion, gay marriage, asylum seekers, non belief in climate change, reintroduction of Work No Choices that they were voted out for. He should be a jewel in the crown for the LNP.

Dicky Nee said...

..meanwhile, I can assure all, everything is peaceful and happy in the Leichhardt FEC of the ALP. We're all happy with Kruddy, Jim T's going alright, the bird is on the wing and God's in his heaven...
Neener, neener, neener.........

Mike said...

Glad you understand Dicky Nee. Imagine if HoWARd was still running the country. It would be more like a Death March.

Tanya Brooks-Cooper said...

What great news for Trent!!

Susan TJ said...

Mike u could have at least putt them on the blog from cutiest to "OMG!".

nocturnal congress said...

"Sexual shennanigans", KitchenSlut?? I've pricked up my ears. Do tell!!