It has been great having the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, the Minister for Energy, Resources and Tourism Martin Ferguson and the Minister for Employment Mark Arbib in Cairns today to make some further announcements to keep the region working, including a $19.5m boost for JCU, aviation regulatory reform and tax assistance. You can read more about this in the PM's media statement.
The PM, Ministers & I met with community and businesses leaders to discuss opportunities and challenges in the region before visiting the Jobs Expo at the Cairns Show Grounds where more than 400 jobs were on offer and thousands of people were looking for work or finding out about possible careers and training opportunities.
Thanks to Advance Cairns and their partner organisations, the Cairns Chamber of Commerce and TTNQ, for the work they have done with government over the past few months to help deliver today.
I look forward to continuing to work with them and the newly formed Regional Development Australia Committee and local and state governments as we continue to work to build our traditional industries and diversify the economy.
Read on for more news or visit my website.
Jim Turnour
Federal Member for Leichhardt
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd today announced a series of measures to keep Cairns working.
Jetstar last week announced flights between Cairns and Osaka and the doubling of Melbourne-Cairns services.
21 apprentices have been signed up in Cairns since the Apprentice Kick Start Program commenced on 1 December 2009.
I encourage the community to continue to get behind the Cairns Taipans, our own national team.The team has launched back into the community - they seem to be at every school I visit! They also continue to raise the profile of the region nationally and in New Zealand.It is time for them to start their submission to Basketball Australia for next season, so read on about how you can continue to support them. I am buying a couple of season tickets for next year.
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VERSION 2 (corrected)
It has been great having the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, the Minister for Energy, Resources and Tourism Martin Ferguson and the Minister for Employment Mark Arbib in Cairns today as firstly I had an excuse for yet another lunch and dinner but more importantly to make some further announcements to keep the region working, including a $19.5m boost for JCU, aviation regulatory reform and tax assistance.
The PM is particularly skilled at making announcements and these can join the list of numerous other announcements and promises that have not materialised into anything. You can read more about this in the PM's media statement. Both Martin and Mark are very well qualified to assist in talking to Employers having had a background in Trade Unions where they disrupted Employers and priced wages out of reality.
The PM, Ministers & I met with community and businesses leaders to discuss opportunities and challenges in the region before visiting the Jobs Expo at the Cairns Show Grounds where more than 400 jobs were on offer and thousands of people were looking for work or finding out about possible careers and training opportunities.
If you are as quick at maths as Kevin is, you would realise the reality that thousands of people looking for work and only 400 jobs available means there will be a lot of people out of work. In fact thank God we were able to dummy up the 400 jobs which were reported in the Cairns Post three weeks ago so obviously the employers kindly held them over until Kevin was up here.
Thanks to Advance Cairns and their partner organisations, the Cairns Chamber of Commerce and TTNQ, for the work they have done with government over the past few months to help deliver today. Please let me know if I have an invite to any of your lunches before Christmas.
I look forward to continuing to work with them and the newly formed Regional Development Australia Committee and local and state governments as we continue to work to build our traditional industries and diversify the economy. My idea of working with them is to Twitter each other and then it looks like we are doing something.
Jim Turnour
Federal Member for Leichhardt
I encourage the community to continue to get behind the Cairns Taipans, our own national team. Like me they are losers which is why I am so supportive of them. The team has launched back into the community - they seem to be at every school I visit! They also continue to raise the profile of the region nationally and in New Zealand.
It is time for them to start their submission to Basketball Australia for next season, so read on about how you can continue to support them. I am buying a couple of season tickets for next year. To be truthful I am not buying the season tickets but rather relying on fiddling them through my Electoral Allowance that you pay for Sucker.
So this has become a LNP group hugfest blog right? Piss on state ALP understandably, but federally - you must be joking when the alternative is Abott. You've kissed Warren's arse but you obviously have it in for Jim. Shit- we need another Barfly NOW~!
Is it better to do a little along a positive line than to do nothing? Surely 400 new jobs is better than no new jobs. We seem to have degenerated into a country of whingers and nay-sayers.
Let's be positive and encouraging rather than return to negativity and fear.
The new top of the music charts is the theme from the Addams Family substituting "Abbott's Family" and the new diner game is to fill the "Family" with Abbott's front bench line up. Or should we just settle for "Dinosaurs"
It is the corrected version with which I readily associate Jim Turnover.
The Rudd Government has been in power for 2 years, long enough for Nation Building projects to be above the eyeline.
What has been done that stands out as Nation Building in the Leichardt electorate, NIL.
All we have heard from Rudd is the Rudd Cash Splash and how he has hocked Australia to the Chinese.
Other than when Parliament is sitting, Rudd is off earning frequent flyer points, jetting the world stage as if he is a respected Statesman.
Turnover, is wound up every morning by his minders and then let loose, mumbling for the rest of the day. He needs elocution lessons, like yesterday, so at least we can comprehend him.
While Nero fiddled, Rome burnt.
Phormsco seems to have missed the point. This is not an attack on the Labour Party but rather an expose on the Pretenders in it. If he is so offended perhaps he can defend Jim Turnour and qualify what he has done for his Electorate......apart from going to the Taipans games.
Jimbo certainly took full advantage of the photo and TV ops presented by the PM's whistle-stop visit!
I have just watched the ABC TV news and could not believe my eyes in what I saw. Prime Minister Rudd leaving a Catholic Church Sunday service.
Now, there is nothing wrong with that except for the sincerity and shallowness of it all.
It is interesting to note that Tony Abbott is a practising Catholic. History reveals that through out the decades the Catholic Church has subtly supported the ALP.
The Abbott Catholic factor has to be addressed and negated.
Like the Climate change debate which Rudd is slowly but surely losing because of his sheer laziness in non articulation, he is fast playing catch up on the religious aspect of politics.
Abbott has rattled Rudd and the consummate politician that he is, is at work even on a Sunday.
Why do people say nothing has been done in the Leichhardt electorate since Jim got elected? The Cairns Post wrote about all these new mines opening up, Kruddy has announced all sorts of new flights into Cairns, there are that many new buildings going up...thousands of Cairns people have had insulation and solar panels put on their houses....
Ross, it probably makes good sense to frequent the Catholic Churches nowadays if you're a polly. If rumour is correct then Australia will have its first Saint in the New Year. I'm sure you will appreciate, being of Italian descent, how much having a "Saint" means to many people.
Alision, you are correct once more about Italians and their affinity with Sainthood.
Look no further south than Silkwood and the Feast of the Three Saints, the largest Catholic Festival in Australia. Incidentally, it will be celebrating its 60th year in 2010.
It must be the Pagan and symbolism elements within Christianity that Italian readily relate to.
If it was just Abbott I could rest peacefully. However, all three of the recent Liberal cindidates where Catholic!
And that cad Rudd is posing as C of E as he visits Catholic churches and does door-stop interviews and photo-ops outside churches!
It's all so appalling I may just roll in my own grave!
Bob, if you agree to turn left in your grave then I will turn right!
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