It's December. Warning, the enforced Christmas season is now just over three weeks away.
I've ordered myself an ideal gift: The Atheist's Guide to Christmas.
42 atheist celebrities, comedians, scientists and writers give their funny and serious tips for enjoying the Christmas season. It's available via Amazon UK for around $23 delivered to Australia.
Last year, Guardian journalist Ariane Sherine launched the Atheist Bus Campaign and ended up raising over 150,000 pounds enough to place adverts 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life' on 800 UK buses in January.
"Across Britain we are used to being bombarded by religious interests, not just Christians but other religions as well who seem to think that they have got a God given right to propagandise and to take over things like Thought for the Day," Professor Richard Dawkins said. "In the House of Lords we have bishops sitting as of right, and we are still very much dominated by religious interests," Professor Dawkins says.
Even our very own Cairns Post covertly sneaks in a daily bible quote at the bottom of the letters page. Bless them.
Dozens of atheist writers, comedians and scientists have joining together to produce The Atheist's Guide to Christmas, a funny, thoughtful handbook all about enjoying Christmas, from 42 of the world's most entertaining atheists. Profits go to Terrence Higgins Trust.
It features everything from an atheist Christmas miracle to a guide to the best Christmas pop hits, and contributors include Richard Dawkins, Charlie Brooker, and Derren Brown.
Here's Ariane...
I've ordered myself an ideal gift: The Atheist's Guide to Christmas.
42 atheist celebrities, comedians, scientists and writers give their funny and serious tips for enjoying the Christmas season. It's available via Amazon UK for around $23 delivered to Australia.
Last year, Guardian journalist Ariane Sherine launched the Atheist Bus Campaign and ended up raising over 150,000 pounds enough to place adverts 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life' on 800 UK buses in January.
"Across Britain we are used to being bombarded by religious interests, not just Christians but other religions as well who seem to think that they have got a God given right to propagandise and to take over things like Thought for the Day," Professor Richard Dawkins said. "In the House of Lords we have bishops sitting as of right, and we are still very much dominated by religious interests," Professor Dawkins says.
Even our very own Cairns Post covertly sneaks in a daily bible quote at the bottom of the letters page. Bless them.
Dozens of atheist writers, comedians and scientists have joining together to produce The Atheist's Guide to Christmas, a funny, thoughtful handbook all about enjoying Christmas, from 42 of the world's most entertaining atheists. Profits go to Terrence Higgins Trust.
It features everything from an atheist Christmas miracle to a guide to the best Christmas pop hits, and contributors include Richard Dawkins, Charlie Brooker, and Derren Brown.
Here's Ariane...
Where does it say you have to believe in an entity called "God" to believe that Christ wasn't someone very special who gave mankind a beautiful set of principles by which we could live peacefully and respectfully together, and that we may wish to remember at "Christmas"?
Thanks for the tip my hubby will like this one and I have been trying to figure out what to get the man who has everything.
i bet i can make her scream OH MY GOD in bed O (
i want her for christmas.
Very good.
I lol'd hard
She brings a whole new meaning to the "big bang" theory my neighbors would definitely hear the echos of it all week.
I would do naughty stuff to her at christmas and any other time :)
This is bizzare, and i'm atheist.
the first CHARITY atheist book. riiiiiiiiight
There is no atheist's guide to Christmas. You can talk about the origins of a lot of the celebrations at Christmas, their pagan origins (which most believers know anyway), but you cannot celebrate Christmas. Period. So you call it something else or forget it. Not a difficult concept to grasp.
So arrogant "If God exists, which he doesnt. Hee hee". See they go around saying "God probably doesnt exist" yet they are so outspoken to simply say "no, he doesn't exist" which completely takes away from their open mindedness and turns them into arrogant know it alls.
It is amazing that homosapeins still believe in the boogieman. Fail. If you dont conduct yourself with logic as your guide then you are subhuman. You then are a treasonous member of the human species and you need to be either reeducated or made to stop being.
Great book, definitely worth a read.
Richard Dawkins is a Pantheist.
She gets my vote for sexiest atheist.... If we had her on the front lines instead of Dawkins maybe the xtians would actually listen to logic.
Keep it up Ariane. There are too many delusional people! Ariane Sherine is very cute and right! We should all learn about religion, and then relegate it to the museums and history books and move on. It's time. Thanks Ariane, keep up the good work. Who said faith is good anyway. How about taking some responsibility and being rational, that would be better.
I just have a question for atheists. In times of need and desperation in whom do you place your trust? I put my trust in GOD and he ALWAYS protects me. I don't mean it as offence but just curios.
@ smithbrain .... In "whom" do the children dying in the third world, one every six seconds from curable diseases, put their trust?
Or does your god allow them to die to teach you a lesson?
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