Saturday 2 February 2008

Game on. Already breaking the rules

The Election has been called.

The Rolls closed on Thursday.

Nominations are now open for candidates.

And last night Unity lauched their campaign at their new Spence Street campaign office.

It was an invitation only affair, however 12 key invites were snubbed and failed to show, much to the Mayor's anoyance.

Unity are all cashed up and ready to go. A full page advert appeared in the Cairns Post today.

It's the first advert in the campaign and no one checked it. Not even the Cairns Post, and they should be well-appraised of the electoral advertising rules.

This advert breaches the Electoral Commission's rules that clearly state a name and a full residential address must be printed of who authorised it.

It gives Kevin's street name for authorising the advertisement, but not his street number.
They'll say this was an error and appologise no doubt, but it was deliberate.

How silly of him to forget his street number. Don't you remember Kevin, you now live in Mark Alexandra's old house, the Cairns Post editor. This is not Palm Cove or Second Beach anymore.

I think Mark threatened he'd take a pic of you mowing the lawn one Saturday in your Y-fronts. However he prefers half naked chickie babes in his paper.

So, just in case you want to know exactly where your Mayor lives, he's right on the corner of Duignan and Atherton Streets, Whitfield.

You can email Kev on his personal email here. Clever email addy. KMB49 is Kev's initials (Kevin Michael Byrne and he was born in 1949.) Drop him a funny joke or two.

Great start Kev, but you need to pick up the game if you want any credibility mate.


Anonymous said...

Mowing his lawn ? I heard about a bloke who wandered out of the shower in the nick and said to his wife. "Wonder what the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?" His wife said, "They would know I only married you because you held high office!".

Anonymous said...

Does the Unity Team aka Kevin Byrnes Billboards comply with the Cyclone code to Category 5. If not he is going to be very embarrassed when his Billboard smashes into a ratepayers home at 250 kph. And causes the chain reaction associated with high winds.

Anonymous said...

Does the Unity Team aka Kevin Byrnes Billboards comply with the Cyclone code to Category 5. If not he is going to be very embarrassed when his Billboard smashes into a ratepayers home at 250 kph. And causes the chain reaction associated with high winds.

Anonymous said...

Thank god for that big unity advert.... i was outta toilet paper.

(PS Big Kev looks great with a beard ;-).. )

Anonymous said...

What a team, all push-overs or passive aggressives.

Anonymous said...

What about the candidate for Div 9 - oh that's right Unity Team don't have a candidate for Div 9 - they don't need one, they have the former Div 11 Couuncillor running there. Independant? yeah right.

Anonymous said...

So that's what Kathy Plath looks like....

Oh yeah, what a hot team of arrogant and elistest civic parasites.

led by the king of the part-timers - Mr Positive Vision
Shouldn't that be positive cash- flow?

Anonymous said...

I have to support Mark alexander on this. I'd prefer to look at just about any photo OTHER than Kev in his shorts.

uuurghh. I need a doctor just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Story in Cairns Post 02/02/08 re flooding in Hutchings St. caused by Parks development says engineer. This is bad news for Kevs team just before election. Sob

Anonymous said...

8:00am Rollcall:
Freebody still giving me grief over the pink shirt I wore on Australia day. He says it looked "Gae" (that's how he spells it)
Lunch, Villa Mess Hall:
Absolute disaster! Had to pay for meal.The bastards won't give me another freebie until they get MORE footpath. Glad I didn't bring the wife and kids... I'm sure Macca still gets his ravioli gratis.
Evening R&R:
Amanda took me to some "Arty" function. The place was crawling with VC. Weird clothes, freaky hair, I managed to escape thru the kitchen before I had to engage with any of them (got a handful of hot chips on the way)

Anonymous said...

Bill Phillips-Turner, a flag waving National Party member to represent Div 10, Ha!!!

Billy's been on the Board of Directors of the mill for years and years and is now captaining the ship into oblivion with typical National Party pre-historic, head up his arse style thinking which I guess is why KB put him on the ticket. The poor old National Party and the Mill Directors haven't come to grips with how irrelevant they have become in contemporary society.

I suppose Bill will play the "sustainable development" card, i.e. continued economic development while protecting our unique environment blah blah...

How well were you protecting our environment when you put all your old chemical drums out of sight out of mind and let them rust away to leak into our rivers, Bill? What about dumping all your mill's cooling water on your mate's cane paddock next door, now we have all these contaminants running off into our river and are finding an algae that only grows in sugar mill wastewaters now upstream of the mill?

Put some egg on your face now and get used to it for March 15, only a handful of dinosaurs like you in the shire will vote for you.

Anonymous said...

who is Kathy PLatt!!? She has only appeared two times in the local electronic media in the past year!! Wow she works really hard - Not!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm serious about Plath, wot the hell has she been doing, wot does she do, how much has she been paid for doing nothing for past term, wow talk about money for nothing. Such inactivity by a Councillor really needs investigating by the CMC or something for misuse of public $. AT least one sees KB and his councillors in the medai regulary whereas Plath is like nowhere, also how many OS and interstate trips has Plath taken in her term?

Anonymous said...

Money for nothin' and your chips for free...that's the way to do it, on the Cairns CEE CEE. Money for nothin' and your chips for free.....