"always be on the winning side" would seem to demonstrate profound immaturity, nuerosis, megalomania, or narcissism rather than any kind of aged wisdom?
factman aka kbcumbreath, my word, your old man not so wise to me, u r saying u'd prefer to be on the winning side whether that side is right or wrong, this is, your logic from which u cannot retract, means that if Hitler had won WWII u would have chosen to be on his winning side - sorry u cannot deny this due to ur last post. Factman u are very sik individual to give urself to such a life tenet, who is headed for such a fall, but this fall will be good 4 your soul. All Ends have within them their Means. If the Unity Team advocated the killing of all red-haired children but was to still win Council you are saying you'd stay with Cairns Unity - this is what u r saying, have a very good look at urself mate. Winning is the most important thing in life - after everything else dikwad! If i get get u in my sights factman aka kbcumbreath my words alone will topple u! This is only the beginning.
Factman, what wasn't noted was that your last post asked "would you prefer to be on the losing side?". And who wouldn't prefer to think that their views are correct and be a winner?
However your initial post was somewhat different: "always be on the winning side". Which can justify anything from win at all costs criminal activity? Or weak subservience to tyrrany?
There are no circumstances in which this pathetic approach to life can justify anything honourable or wise mate?
Factman, my idea of a loser is someone from the Cairns Unity team using Cairn City Council funds to pay for Cairns Unity electioneering advertising. Cairns Unity have already done this and I may well press this button this week. Do it one more time Factman and ‘Unity is f**ked. Factman, you and your crew are Cairns Council employees and not Cairns Regional Council employees yet, you have no right to use Cairns’ ratepayers money to help fund Cairns Unity’s campaign for the new Council using your position at Cairns City Council to do this. U guys r stuffed because I just have to find the right body to notify.
Mate, that sounds like something from Chairman Mao? And here everyone was thinking factman was a liberal rather than a social fascist?
And mate, if it's Charlie you want she's not hard to find, but as about the only perosn here with an identity that can be traced from the post it doesn't say much for any reputation for facts, honesty, or intelligence?
"Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -- but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Ah, the fresh air of real wisdom rather than the rancid farts of mediocrity ......
It has been pointed out to me that I should adopt a more bi-partisan approach to Kevinism and consequently I should endorse all Kevins in the upcoming council election.
The fact that there is no such individual as Kevin James is irrelevant, because if there isn't then there should be. If not I will solve this by promulgating a new parliamentary sitting day and an extra day every week. This will be called Kevday.
I intend to establish a royal commission into why there are not more Kevin's standing for council in Cairns.
Regardless, please ensure you vote for a genuine Kevin. That way I always win and you always lose which is the way Kevinism works, as supported bt Factman.
P.S. Do you have any good strip clubs up there for my next visit? I would have asked Jim Turnour but geez you people really do select the wierdest representatives, and thats saying someting in the ALP? I mean just look at me and Jason O'Brien for f***s sake!
Ummmmm, well actually Factman that statement is fundamentally unfactually incorrect (tautologically sorry) as there is only a winner for every loser in a controlled environment like a casino or football. This is called 'game theory' (refer to Russell Crowes character in 'a beautifil mind')
This controlled win / lose environment is a 'zero sum game'. Life and the real world is not a zero sum game. There is no winner = loser equation mate.
Thank you "kitchen slut" for your wisdom above. I have been trying for years to tell my own young son that life isn't about "winners and losers" (notice, how all the males spell it "loosers"???). Life is about living and participating, contributing, joining in, being part of a team, family, neighbourhood, society etc etc., and being a CITIZEN. People who put their hand up for an election are employing their full rights and responsibilities as citizens in a democracy. We should always respect that.
You know what a wise old man, once said to me ...
he said ... "always be on the winning side"
So ... My esteemed Mayor, Kevin Byrne"
"I know you da winnin man foe sure"
A born leader ...
An excellent record re. ARMY
Proven leadership and all that stuff.
Compare rhis to other Councilor's standing for Div 10.
Go Kevin go !
let the fair winds blow !!
Go Kevin go !!!
go go go !!!!!!
"always be on the winning side" would seem to demonstrate profound immaturity, nuerosis, megalomania, or narcissism rather than any kind of aged wisdom?
factman aka kbcumbreath, my word, your old man not so wise to me, u r saying u'd prefer to be on the winning side whether that side is right or wrong, this is, your logic from which u cannot retract, means that if Hitler had won WWII u would have chosen to be on his winning side - sorry u cannot deny this due to ur last post. Factman u are very sik individual to give urself to such a life tenet, who is headed for such a fall, but this fall will be good 4 your soul. All Ends have within them their Means. If the Unity Team advocated the killing of all red-haired children but was to still win Council you are saying you'd stay with Cairns Unity - this is what u r saying, have a very good look at urself mate. Winning is the most important thing in life - after everything else dikwad! If i get get u in my sights factman aka kbcumbreath my words alone will topple u! This is only the beginning.
Am I the only one to notice this?
"You... need a representative with fresh ideas & one who has NO ASSOCIATION WITH THE 'OLD' COUNCIL...
It's... a unity ad? Kevin Byrne is Unity... How 'effing' stupid do you think the people of Cairns are?
To Factman:
Kev isn't standing as a candidate in division 10! Are U blind as well as stupid!
Yes please...Go Kevin go, go, go AWAY!
go go go AWAY!
So ... to expand your response, you would prefer to be on the losing side ???
As Homer Simpson so adequately puts it ... "LOSERS!!!"
Being on the winning side means ...
Making the correct decisions.
factman, you philistine.
Being on the winning side, means you are weak and follow the greater, more popular trend.
As in essence, the elections are a glorified popularity contest...
Think about it. It might take a few minutes to actually kick in.
Factman, what wasn't noted was that your last post asked "would you prefer to be on the losing side?". And who wouldn't prefer to think that their views are correct and be a winner?
However your initial post was somewhat different: "always be on the winning side". Which can justify anything from win at all costs criminal activity? Or weak subservience to tyrrany?
There are no circumstances in which this pathetic approach to life can justify anything honourable or wise mate?
Hi Charlie ...
Yep, change sides, do whatever, as long as you remain true to your principle of being on the winning side.
That means, be prepared to adjust you views and not stay stopped in a time warp like some are.
I mean, does anybody want to go through life battling the majority and getting frustrated and nowhere?
Well I guess the supporters of Val's hypocrites do.
I believe we have 50 meaningful years of life on this planet, and why be miserable forever supporting a lost cause.
And then you die ...
And now I expect from the other posters ... "what about our children?".
Answer ... teach them to be on the winning side also.
Factman, my idea of a loser is someone from the Cairns Unity team using Cairn City Council funds to pay for Cairns Unity electioneering advertising.
Cairns Unity have already done this and I may well press this button this week. Do it one more time Factman and ‘Unity is f**ked. Factman, you and your crew are Cairns Council employees and not Cairns Regional Council employees yet, you have no right to use Cairns’ ratepayers money to help fund Cairns Unity’s campaign for the new Council using your position at Cairns City Council to do this. U guys r stuffed because I just have to find the right body to notify.
Looks like Factman has been on the turps again!
"teach them to be on the winning side"?
Mate, that sounds like something from Chairman Mao? And here everyone was thinking factman was a liberal rather than a social fascist?
And mate, if it's Charlie you want she's not hard to find, but as about the only perosn here with an identity that can be traced from the post it doesn't say much for any reputation for facts, honesty, or intelligence?
"Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -- but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Ah, the fresh air of real wisdom rather than the rancid farts of mediocrity ......
That's OK Kitchen Slut ... whatever.
Something Oliver Wendell Holmes didn't say was ... "for every winner, there's gotta be a loser".
Kinda balances things doesn't it?
Factman will never be a loser.
I think Kevin is a truly great name for any aspiring politician and i commend Kevin James to the Labour supporters in Cairns.
It has been pointed out to me that I should adopt a more bi-partisan approach to Kevinism and consequently I should endorse all Kevins in the upcoming council election.
The fact that there is no such individual as Kevin James is irrelevant, because if there isn't then there should be. If not I will solve this by promulgating a new parliamentary sitting day and an extra day every week. This will be called Kevday.
I intend to establish a royal commission into why there are not more Kevin's standing for council in Cairns.
Regardless, please ensure you vote for a genuine Kevin. That way I always win and you always lose which is the way Kevinism works, as supported bt Factman.
P.S. Do you have any good strip clubs up there for my next visit? I would have asked Jim Turnour but geez you people really do select the wierdest representatives, and thats saying someting in the ALP? I mean just look at me and Jason O'Brien for f***s sake!
Ummmmm, well actually Factman that statement is fundamentally unfactually incorrect (tautologically sorry) as there is only a winner for every loser in a controlled environment like a casino or football. This is called 'game theory' (refer to Russell Crowes character in 'a beautifil mind')
This controlled win / lose environment is a 'zero sum game'. Life and the real world is not a zero sum game. There is no winner = loser equation mate.
This really IS a proven fact mate!
Thank you "kitchen slut" for your wisdom above. I have been trying for years to tell my own young son that life isn't about "winners and losers" (notice, how all the males spell it "loosers"???). Life is about living and participating, contributing, joining in, being part of a team, family, neighbourhood, society etc etc., and being a CITIZEN.
People who put their hand up for an election are employing their full rights and responsibilities as citizens in a democracy. We should always respect that.
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