Monday, 18 February 2008

A storm in a port authority

As the 100th birthday of the Cairns Yacht Club looms closer by the day, the Cairns Port Authority has a present - a bulldozer.

Cyclone Tracey survivor
Rob Williams and defender of the historic club, shares with us some odd goings on down on the waterfront.... our waterfront.

  • I can't really see where the Cairns Yacht Club will get their room. Certainly no storage room, nor place for 100 years of memorabilia. It may survive a cyclone, but the occupants will drown if they are in there when a blow hits. It could possibly be in the same building as the ablution blocks for the super yachts?

  • The parking will be a problem as there is not enough room for the patrons of the restaurant and bar let alone the super yachts etc. anyway who would want to park their car out there and get it full of salt water spray.

  • Of course one can always park under the Pier for 2 hours before paying, or out in the Council parking area in front of the Pier. Wet weather will be a basket, especially if you're booked into the restaurant when the sky decides to open, which is common in North Queensland.

  • The view from the restaurant is pretty ordinary considering the view the CYC has to give up.

  • There's no sign of where the Cairns Yacht Club launch site will be for the Junior Sailors. In any case, they would have to be towed out into Trinity to get wind.

  • The cantilever type building looks like a sure Cyclone hazard, especially when it breaks up and slams into the Shangri La hotel.

  • Cairns will get a welcome to the real world when we get a Category 4 or 5 Cyclone. (See my cafe in Dawin in 1975).

  • A tidal surge of 3-5 metres is common and the Spring Tide right there comes within 2 metres of the Restaurant floor.
    So 4 metres of sea water through the Restaurant and bar will be a bit of a mop up problem after they tow some of the wreckage of the yachts out of the place.

  • The Cairns Port Authority didnt have to do a business plan or have this proposal passed by ratepayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The other problem with the new building for the yacht club is , ask the contractors hired to do the new building if they are getting paid for all the alterations done to the original plan. One contractor I know will loose about $70k on the job. All because of the alterations done to the original plan that was submitted.