Friday, 15 February 2008

Northern News out

The February edition of the Northern News has been delivered.
It's companion, the Southern Herald, has also hit the streets. They are both published by Cairns Community Newspapers.
This month's edition has a cover story all about the public reaction to Council's plan to build a town centre to service the northern beaches.
It's now obvious, that Mayor Byrne and the majority of Councillors, were influenced by a report prepared by Flanagan Consulting in conjunction with the landholders and developer. Councillors Sheppard and Cochrane appeared to be the loudest voices of opposition and forced public input. The full story is online.
The debate about fluoridating our water is out of local hands says Mayor Byrne. So you may as well get used to it!
Sno Bonneau's "proven track record" election advert appears right on top of Cairns 1st who say "it's time for a change" - and I couldn't agree more.
There's also two photos of Steve Wettenhall, which is over his quota for the month.
There's also a sexy ad in the classifieds for Samantha who will look after you for $125/hour. Actually, I made that last one up.

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