Saturday, 17 November 2007

This week's Caption contest

Here's Johnny chatting with the chef at Cairns Private Hospital whilst visiting town the other day.

What he said is probably funnier than anything you may come up with... "You're the one who makes our tummies happy!"

However, we at CairnsBlog would like your take on this auspicious occasion...
  1. "I hope you're on the immigration register Wong?"
  2. "It's a mighty fine hat, you didn't have to dress up for me"
  3. "So you prepare the meals for those that can afford private health care?"
  4. "Anyway, what are you doing out of the kitchen?"
  5. "I have mine medium rare, unlike Charlie"
  6. .............your turn............

Photo courtesy of ABC's The Poll Vault


Anonymous said...

"...and so you're studying for the Citizenship Test Mr Wong?"

Anonymous said...

"...aah naah nuh nuh naaah, not that wing-wong sing-song jabber Mr Wong. If you want to stay here you got to speak our lingo, comprendez?"

Anonymous said...

What is a "cheap, disgusting shot"???
What on earth do you mean? I can't read anywhere in Mike's comments where he said Charlie is or isn't a lesbian.
You must be on drugs or something, pal.

Anonymous said...

what a werid comment... I know that Mike actually is a supportert of Charlie,.. and I certianly didn't read anything into that line... Man .. some people go looking for stuff that isn't even there!!!

Anonymous said...

tasteless? it was a joke about steak... howard was saying to the chef....jjjeeeezzz get a life! are all libs this sensitive?

Anonymous said...

Anyway kiddies, back to the thread.
John Howard: (patronising manner) Hullo, how you like working on happy time AWA?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mr. Wong, I haven't had time to learn mandarin, I have been busy doing nothing.
It appears I have turned out ot be a lemon anyway.
I will recommend you to our new prime minister, he will be able to order the correct policies, er I mean meals.

Anonymous said...

Ah, so you have heard of Warren Entsch, although he has retired we have given him loads of dollars to run short television ads advising us to vote for Charlie, like him.
Sorry I'm hard at listening.
Oh, no no, not Charlie Carp, thats a garden fertilizer, although that cums..... with a handle also.

Anonymous said...

"..nah ah ah, so your sister is at Nauru Detention Centre, Mr. Wong?
Ah ah. Well then she's a lucky girl ah ah."

Anonymous said...

The first two comments were the best IMHO.

Anonymous said...

No, best comments are the ones Mr Moore took off. Alas.