Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Hudson's Stat Dec

  • Oaths Act 1867-1988

    Statutory Declaration


    I, Anthony Joseph Hudson, Tradesman / Cabbie and Candidate for Leichhardt,

    of 1 Jirrima Street, Woree, in the State of Queensland do solemnly and sincerely declare that, The Commonwealth is corrupt and High Court Justice Ian Callinan has said so in writing. (HCA 52 [2006] at 732 online at austlii). Howard and Rudd refused to discuss the Judges accusations, so I told Government I’d refuse to pay tax and the Government said nothing.

    So I filmed my tax records being burnt at a barbeque and sent the bastards a copy with this Stat Dec and my Tax Ashes in a replica of cricket’s famous urn. I hurl this gauntlet
    at the feet of our corrupt and gutless politicians. And I dare them to come out and fight.

    I place the Commonwealth Attorney-General on notice that this Statutory Declaration declares that every Elector has a right to choose to vote, and a right to refuse to vote.
    For no Parliament and no Court has a right to compel a Sovereign Elector to do a thing
    against their will, regarding their vote, and doing so is a crime against the Constitution.

    No mere Parliament has a right to compel Sovereign Electors to vote for any candidate.
    Voters have a Constitutional right to number as many, or as few, boxes as they choose.
    Officials discarding such ballot papers commit a serious crime against the Constitution.

    Constitutional ignorance perpetuates our hospital crisis, the Iraq war and climate change. It gifts control over our politicians to greedy corporations with tobacco industry morals. If you want change, don’t send another corporate puppet to Canberra, send a bloody Axe.

    And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act 1867-1988.

    Taken and declared before me at Cairns.

    this 10th day of November, 2007. Anthony (Tony) Joseph Hudson
    Signature of Declarant

    (signed) Cairns
    Justice of the Peace


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
Tony, nobody has to vote, just go and get your name crossed off the list and walk out. If you really want to annoy them, vote informally, they have to count that vote and it wastes their time. At the end of the day there is not one of the liars worth voting for anyway.

Anonymous said...

Had share this one with you - a thought for the day worthy of thought:

VOTE. n. The instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.
- Ambrose Bierce -