Thursday, 1 October 2009

Angry Freebody says sorry

Following Freebody's hateful outburst on radio against a select number of female Councillors last week, he has sent a pleading letter of apology to Council.

In it he says he was out of character and "even his wife was surprised how he behaved."

Well, this is not true. Paul Freebody engaged in a similar sustained personal attack against Kirsten Lesina in the run up to the Council election in 2008. Freebody again used sexist and ageist language in a derogatory way. It appears a pattern of how he treats people when they challenge him.

It was Deputy Mayor Margaret Cochrane and Councillor Alan Blake that moved the matter be deferred, a motion that was carried unanimously, yet Freebody viciously attacked only a select number of Counclliors he detests.

Coucillors Lesina, Schier, Forsyth, Lansky and Leu, all received a sexist lashing from someone that is seeking their support.

"I just cannot believe that Lanskey and Leu and Forsyth and this young kid bloody Lesina, do not have a commercial background and that's the problem," Freebody bleated to a receptive John Mackenzie on radio 846am.

Council officers have recommended the development be refused because of serious flooding, environmental and planning issues because of its location in the Barron River Delta.

Councillor Nansky Lansky says that a series of 44 additional conditions were given to her just as the meeting opened at 10am. "There was no opportunity for their adequate perusal," she said.

"The decision to defer it was made after a majority of Council," Lansky says. "This includes Paul Gregory, chairman of both Works and Services and Water and Waste committees, expressed his concerns about drainage design and adequate provision for the adjacent cane farmer to continue to work his property."

However, Lanksy is keen to support the waterpark due to unemployment levels.

"Let’s hope a local firm employing local tradies gets the construction job if the project is given the green light, Lansky says. "When the theme park is up and running, that permanent residents, rather than backpackers, get the many promised jobs."

Employment levels will always bounce up and down, it's the nature of business. However this Council has a duty to look after and protect our region for future generations, not just for a five-minute plan from an angry enraged developer.


Anonymous said...

What a bloody worm Freebody is, thinking that he can send a letter of apology and everything will be fine. I am not suggesting that council will make a decision on the water park based on whether they think Freebody is a good guy (well perhaps some of them will, they were certainly prepared to do that last week). But the fact is he has publicly insulted the mayor, councillors and council officers. So when that mistake is broadcast across the media, so must be the apology. I expect to hear Freebody on Macca tomorrow speaking to Val and making that apology.

The Headless Horseman said...

Paul Nobody needs to do more. He needs to pick up the phone and talk to the councillors he slandered to apologise. He needs to assure the community it won't happen again. He needs to eat crow.
Not that it matters, I'll never vote for him. In fact, I never have.

Clifton Ratbags Rule! said...

I've heard that Freebody also sent an abusive and nasty letter to one of the filed objectors to the project. This was done despite the anonymous nature of these comments - and the CMC is investigating this harassment. It isn't the first time this type of community harassment has occurred from a development application. The last couple times it was Clifton Beach residents who had their privacy violated by our then councillor SnoJob. Guess who's councillor for the Freebody project area?

The harassment of the community by developers is a corruption of the process. Freebody's hands are dirty and he owes apologies to others.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Freebody should be nominated for the Ernie and Elaine awards :

And McKenzie as well for allowing this rant to go to air, which is in sharp contrast to the rudeness he displays towards anyone who does not agree with his fanatical opposition to making this city more bike and pedestrian friendly.

Thornton On Spence said...

I overheard a conversation in a Bar about Maccas listeners. One of the people I assume was a "Radio Executive" was saying there are no such things as Ratings but a recent survey revealed he peaks at 2,000 listeners by 10.00am and then tapers off. The other two were looking disappointed and one commented "it's hardly worth Advertising to reach that small an audience". Food for thought. How many people does the Blog reach?

Michael P Moore said...

Thorton, Google Analytics tracks 5,289 "regular, repeat" visitors on CairnsBlog.

Northern Beaches Warrior said...

The cynic in me says that the half page advertisement in today's Cairns Post on page 4 entitled "An open letter to address concerns over the adventure waters water park project", signed off by Mrs and Mrs Nobody, and the front page story "Building for our future" are somehow related?

Anyone else get that impression?

So much for Nobody's sincere apology to Councillors - in his eyes at least and those of the Compost, his dream is not yet dead in the water! And it would seem that truckloads of free media publicity between now and the next P & E meeting will keep that dream alive.