Friday, 30 October 2009

Adam Millar leaves Environmental Defender’s Office

Today is Adam Millar's last day as Principal Solicitor and coordinator of the Environmental Defender’s Office of Northern Queensland.

Adam Millar joined the team three years ago, taking over from Kirsty Ruddock who then moved on to lead the NSW legal team. After completing his Bachelor of Laws at the James Cook University in Townsville and being admitted as a solicitor in Cairns in 1999, Adam worked as the coordinator of the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in the Northern Territory.

More recently Adam worked with Williams Graham Carman, as a commercial and civil litigator focusing on dispute resolution. Since admission, Millar has spent time travelling throughout central Australia, western Europe, Cuba, Central and South America, and India.

Adam was born and raised in Cairns. Passionate about the unique and priceless natural environments in Australia, he used his role as an opportunity to educate the community about environmental protection and work toward increasing the standing and relevance that the environment has within the community and governments.

In leaving the job today, Adam gave special acknowledgement to those involved in the campaign to save False Cape.

"Of all of the work that I have been involved in the last three years, the campaign to save False Cape has been the most inspiring; and the campaigners behind it have been the most inspiring," Millar said today.

"Campaigns like this are never, in my experience, run by one person alone; they require the effort of many. The Save False Cape campaign is blessed by having many dedicated, passionate and thoughtful people behind it, including the likes of Steve Nowakowski, Terry Spackman, Steve Ryan, Mark Buttrose, Brynn Mathews, Denis Walls, Nev and Robyn Ridley, and many others."

Millar singled out local environmentalist John Rainbird, who provided him with a wealth of knowledge.

"John gave me peace and inspiration, which has stayed with me and which has allowed me to do what I have done over the past three years. I cannot thank you enough for that, and I do hope I have not embarrassed you too much by saying so."

Millar says that the Environmental Defender’s Office provides important services to the conservation community in North Queensland.

"We cannot do that job alone, and we would not have been able to achieve what we have without the support, passion, dedication and hard-work of many others, including the many conservation-minded individuals and organisations whom we have worked with and whom have been our clients."

"Whilst it will unavoidably be sad to leave this role, I know that I leave it in good hands, knowing that it is in a good position to continue to provide important services in public interest environmental law in the future in North Queensland, and across Queensland and Australia.

Millar says it has been an honour and a privilege to serve as solicitor and coordinator for the Environmental Defender’s Office for the last three years.

"I would not think it often that people are given the opportunity to use the skills and experience they possess to serve the community on such important matters as I have, and I will always look back on my time with fond eyes."


John Rainbird said...

Yes you have embarrassed me, but apology accepted, and thank you for your very generous words.  I think everyone who has been involved in the battle to protect beautiful False Cape from the horrific desecration it has suffered would share my congratulations to you for the enormous passion, focus and effort you have brought to trying to protect this regions natural assets.  Your contribution through EDO will be very sadly missed, you are a fellow of great integrity and compassion,  and I for one feel extremely fortunate to count you as a friend. 

Best wishes for your future adventures!

Steven Nowakowski said...


You are the inspiration.!

Thank You so much for your many years of hard work, much of which was done out of hours and in your own time. You went beyond the call of duty and this speaks volumes about your wonderful personality, your passion and warm friendship.

Without your dedicated help and advice many battles would have been lost and you have been responsible for the protection of much of our unique flora and fauna.

A big thank you from me and our voiceless friends - our wildlife and their habitats.


Johan said...


Terry Spackman said...

Thank's for all the work you'v put in over the rears Adam.
And thank's for the way you made time to talk and explain legal technicalities for me when I dropped in unannounced.

Hope your new endeavours are rewarding. Good luck.

Disco Dave said...

Purchase of a one way ticket for the Tuesday pain train...?!

Prepare to be spanked you big goose...