Monday, 5 October 2009

Deperate man pleads for his dream

Just 48 hours before his application goes back before Council, Paul Freebody is trying to swallow his angry vile rage, when he appeared on John Mackenzie two weeks ago.

Listen to this mad-man here.

Here's his groveling apology in today's Post, as a last ditch effort to turn around the five Councillors he called "witches and bitches"...
  • "On September 28, I arrived back in Cairns from overseas and listened to a recording of my radio interview on the John Mackenzie talkback show [probably on CairnsBlog], which was held while I was changing flights last week.

We don't care where you were at the time Paul. You were a rude, disgusting man to spew such angry sexist language and calling our Councillors "witches and bitches". Such attitudes belong in the distant past. It really shows us the type of person you are and the way you do business.

  • I admit my comments included some poorly chosen words and I can understand how my remarks may have caused offence.

Some words? Try all of them. Your rant was unrelenting and disgusting. Mackenzie allowed it to be broadcast. Could you imagine Roy Lavis carrying on like this when his application was lost two weeks ago? No, because he's a real gentlemen.

  • My intention was to express my frustration with the delay in getting a decision on the water park. It was not my intention to offend councillors or 4CA listeners.

Some way to express frustration. How about shutting up and let the Council deal with your hair-brained scheme to build in the middle of a river system, in their own time.

  • I know from experience as a councillor some items put in front of the council need to be deferred. I made an error of judgment in making some of my comments in this interview and I sincerely apologise for any offence they have caused.

“And you know these [women] will have a lot to answer if this doesn’t get up,” Freebody said on radio. That was a fine threat.

Councillor Kirsten Lesina was extremely offended as some of the worst vile was aimed directly at her.

“I just cannot believe that this young kid, bloody Lesina does not have a commercial [background]. If you look at their background, none of these people have a business background.”

Kirsten said the young people hearing that language about another young person will be discouraging for anybody trying to get involved in local government.

Freebody has a regular pattern of this kind of talk. He spewed his angry hatred to the Lesina that bet him for the race to public office last March.

"I'm surprised Mr Freebody would think his comments were an appropriate way of doing business.” Mayor Val Schier said after the outburst.


Jude Johnston said...

Mike, I think this might be on the Agenda for the next Planning & Environmnet Meeting which I believe is next Wed 14th not tomorrow. I, like most others, don't object to a water park, just not in the Barron Delta for all the reasons expressed by others previously. However, if Councillors do go down the path of approving it based on employment, I wonder if there has been committment from Mr Freebody, that it will be "locals" employed. I am assuming that the earthworks will go to tender - will he restrict the tender to local firms only? I also assume that the suppliers of the water park structures will supply their own "specialists" from outside Cairns.
Will there be opportunites for apprentices to be taken on?

The Headless Horseman said...

I don't believe Paul Nobody's apology is sincere. He meant every one of those hateful words as the vitriol spilled out of his mouth and into our ears.
You know, I was at the Balaclava State School polling booth on election day and I spoke to Paul Nobody's young son. He was polite, friendly, even charming. I thought to myself that he was a credit to his father. I trust the boy won't lose those qualities.
By the way, I cast my vote for that "young kid, bloody Lesina" and she does a marvellous job, with or without the supposedly all-important business background. She is respectful to people and most importantly, she LISTENS!!! And she cares. She carefully evaluates proposals that comes before council. Whether or not you agree with her decisions, you can be confident she thinks things through before casting a vote. We need more councillors like her.