Wednesday 14 October 2009

Don't want to stand for the ALP?

The Liberal National Party, or LNP, has opened nominations for Federal seats across Queensland.

"We are looking in each seat for someone who is connected to their local community," Kim Black, Deputy State Director says. "Someone who cares passionately about people and who would like to contribute to Australia’s future."

Although no candidate is confirmed for Leichhardt, it's expected that perennial candidate Wendy Richardson will not stand. Both Warren Entch and Kevin Byrne's name has been touted as nominations.

You'll need to get an Endorsement application completed.

Nominations are also being sought for Blair, Bonner, Brisbane, Capricornia, Dawson, Dickson, Flynn, Forde, Griffith, Kennedy, Lilley, Longman, Moreton, Oxley, Petrie, Rankin and Wright.


KitchenSlut said...

The quality of candidates on both sides is a disgrace to our region and reflects poorly on all of us. I feel embarrassed.

Turnour is a dud and the only reason the LNP can get away with even suggesting bringing back the past! The LNP suggestions are old has beens .... or at least should be!

Bring on someone new and modern who can engage the community because that is the opposite of all our currnet options!

Joel Harrop said...

Kitchenslut, I'm both flattered and offended. Cheers, joel

Thomas said...

So Warren Entsch, who is contemplating running for Leichardt again, thinks the electorate isn't being heard in Canberra. So tell us Wazza; how will you change that from the opposition benches?
Be mindful of Paul Keatings insightful observation "a soufflé doesn't rise twice" and stay home with the family.

fnq4ever said...

Joel I heard you speak at gilligans and you spoke well on green issues it,s just the libs need someone who looks older the 16 hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

nocturnal congress said...

Alright fnq4ever, we have had young politicians, councillors, even two very young monarchs. Frankly, I'd rather have a younger representative than one past the retirement age.

Joel Harrop said...

Thanks for that FNQ. I attribute my youthful looks to an exfoliation regieme and a hearty dose of Cairnsblog (how's that for a shameless suck-up?). joel PS: He, or she, who laughs last thinks slowest.

fnq4ever said...

Joel looks count for nothing mate, I was here in cairns two years before I realised desley was a woman , and she beat you hhhaaaaaa

John, Kuranda said...

Great to see that in the revised boundaries for federal electoral redistribution as finalised yesterday, all of Kuranda remains within Leicchardt.

This seems emminently more sensible (and likeable) that being lumped in Kennedy. Looks as if I can cast aside my Katter Hat!

Now that is over, roll on the preselction!

Rob Willliams said...

KitchenSlut has plenty to say. Why dont you put your hand up for try-out Kitch. Be aware, the selection committee want to know what you propose to do if elected.Then if you have the courage you can stand in front of several hundred people and tell them.