Our beloved Cairns Post is looking for a journalist, I mean a reporter...
Senior Reporter full time - Cairns
Further your journalism career - your lifestyle
A great place to live and work, Cairns is the vibrant capital of Far North Queensland, home to an exciting range of social, economic, political and environmental issues a newshound's paradise.
We are looking for a confident self starter with an impressive newsroom background, and a proven record of breaking strong, original stories across all rounds.
They will enjoy writing to suit both our daily newspaper cycle and online.
The senior reporter will be an enthusiastic team player who leads junior colleagues by example and helps set the Far North's news agenda.
If you are an innovative and creative thinker with a passion for local news reporting we want to hear from you. To apply email a covering letter, your resume and samples of your writing to careers@tcp.newsltd.com.au quoting the reference number: EDT-18
Now, should I apply?
are I the only one taht is amused by this advert?
The Post looking for a person with a "proven record of breaking strong, original stories across all rounds."
This must be Dixon's old job...
I think not Mike. The compost only likes journos who can write the most misleading and unresearched crap. Unfortunately the truth that you bring to much of your reporting would be unacceptable to the compost. Why let a good headline get in the way of some actual factual reporting.
"Strong, original stories" — it's impossible to reconcile those three words with the beat-up pieces that masquerade as news in our dumbed down daily organ. Shorely shome mishtake!
Hey tony, isn't is correct that up until only about a year or so ago you were a regular applicant for jobs in the newsroom at the Post? I have heard from an insider you were always one of the first to appyly, almost begging for a job, when previous vacancies have been posted. Perhaps your continual griping has something to do with sour grapes? GD
"GD". You stand to be corrected. On one occasion — and ONLY one occasion — following the demise of 'Barfly', I did apply for a sub-editing post on the Compost. I did so: a) as a bit of sport, and b) in the absurdly ill-founded and possibly egotistical belief that had the application been successful I might have had some influence on the daily organ's cock-eyed news values . I can assure you no sour grapes are involved. My "continual griping" reflects genuine concern over the excess of sensationalist, "beat-up" stories and generally poor (and biased) quality of reporting — especially where council is concerned — and a long-held belief that Cairns deserves a better daily newspaper.
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