Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Clifton Telstra tower will be green

Despite Cairns Regional Council’s opposition, a Telstra communications tower will be erected at Clifton Beach but the transmission "monopole" will be subject to conditions minimising its impact on the landscape.

In September Council lost its appeal in the Planning and Environment court to prevent the erection of the 27 meter structure.

"Council will impose strict development constraints on the site where the tower will be erected to mitigate its visual impact," Mayor Val Schier says. “Council refused the first application by Telstra last year in October in line with what local residents wanted.”

Telstra appealed the decision in the Planning and Environment court and won.

"We are subsequently requesting that Telstra paint the tower and all its support structure a dark green colour, preserve existing vegetation on the site and landscaping the site include a screen of shrubs and trees to minimise the visual impact,” Schier said this afternoon.

Surely Sno Bonneau could have selected the colour, being the Councillor who lives in the neighbourhood and has a history of achievement for the Clifton Beach community.

1 comment:

Clifton Ghost said...

A drive down Clifton Road with Glencorp's ghettos AKA Clifton Views on the left and Clifton Waters on the right and the complete annilation of Deadman's Creek by this developer, reminds every Clifton resident of what a useless, incompetent, lying pro-development toad Sno Bonneau was as our Divisional Councillor pre 2008.